
Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Pt. 2 -- TOP TEN SIGHTINGS -- Animal Planet

Yesterday we counted down numbers 10 through 6. Today we count down the top 5 sightings according to Animal Planet.

Number 5 :  May, 2011, New Smyrna Beach, Florida

A fishing guide was taking two clients, a commercial pilot and an attorney, into the mangrove swamp. As he was poling his flatboat through the waters, they saw something on the shore 100 yards away. At first the guide thought that they were looking at a feral hog or maybe a bear rooting through the sand for fish or crustaceans to eat. As the boat got closer, it turned and stood up to look at them. They decided this was no hog, or bear. Said the guide : it was "as wide as a side-by-side refrigerator-freezer", had a muscular torso, "a ZZ top beard" and a hairless forehead. It stared at them for about 15 seconds then made "a guttural harrumph or snort" and walked away into the mangroves.

Number 4 : July 2009, Fairbanks, Arkansas

A man was returning home from work around 6 pm. As he was driving through a wooded area near houses and a school, he saw a "man" standing on the side of the road. As he got closer the "man" suddenly bolted into the woods like something spooked. The driver slowed down and watched as the creature ran about 30 yards before  it turned, giving the driver a better look. He estimated it as about 6 ft tall and 200 pounds. It appeared to be covered with shaggy, rust-colored hair and it ran with a strange "hoppy" bounding motion. "It was either real or there was a man in a very, very convincing costume."

Number 3 : October 25, 2010, Clements, California

A man was watching tv at around 1 am when he heard a noise outside. It seemed to sound like a long blast from a car horn or a police siren. He muted the tv and listened. It was then he realized the sound was more like the howl of an injured animal. He assumed it was probably a bear or a mountain lion and returned to his program on tv. The next evening a friend came by to pick him up at about 8 pm to go out. They were about 4 miles from his home when they heard the "noise" again. As his friend slowed the car, the sound stopped. They resumed driving only to have to swerve around the car ahead of them which had abruptly stopped. That was when they saw a manlike creature at least 10 ft tall. He was covered in dark brown or black hair; his eyes glowed from the reflection of their headlights. "Human eyes don't do that", the witness stated. After 20 or 30 seconds, the creature walked off with a fluid gait. The two men drove off, afraid. When they returned to his house, they used a different route to avoid another encounter. The witness said he is now a "true believer" but added, "if it's Bigfoot or not, I don't want it coming around my house."

Number 2 :  September 8, 2007, Cloverdale, California

It was between 8:30 and 9 pm when a local LEO was answering an alarm call. That was when he noticed someone climbing up out of a ravine onto the roadside. "I thought that I might have surprised someone who might be growing marijuana in the woods, or something like that." He hit his brakes and quickly backed up. The headlights illunimated a creature about 6 to 7 ft. tall and covered with thick brown matted hair. In the hair on the back were leaves and grass tangled into it, almost like it had been lying down. It was moving slowly and in an upright position. The creature turned away from the officer and returned into the overgrowth along the road, pushing aside the small tree limbs to clear it's path. It was only in sight for a few seconds, but the officer could hear the noise of its movements for awhile longer.  "I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was definitely something I was not gonna put out on the radio."

Number 1 : May 3, 2011 Blackstone, Virginia

A man and his son heard a loud noise outside their home. He grabbed his pistol and the son picked up a shotgun and they went outside to investigate. Both were thinking they had either a burglar or a bear. Instead, they were confronted by an 8 ft tall hair-covered humanoid running towards them from the nearby woods. The man screamed for it to stop, but the creature continued running at them, shrieking. When it came within about 15 feet of the two, they turned and ran back into the house. "I was in terror," the man said. He also recalled that it had a "pervasive" odor that "really stunk". Afterwards, they found 18 to 20 inch footprints that it left behind. The two also suffered a series of other unusual incidents; including loud wails and  slaps on the side of the house at night.

And there you have Animal Planet's Top Ten Sightings. Hope you enjoyed them.


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."

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