
Monday, July 9, 2018


Ran across this while cruising through the internet and thought it interesting enough to share. Animal Planet made a list of what they were calling the top ten sightings of sasquatch from the past five years.

So here's the countdown of their list :

Number 10 : June 22, 2009, near Rhinebeck, N.Y.

At around 6:30 pm a 19-year-old college student driving down a twisting back road swerved to miss what appeared to be a shopping bag containing an open box of cereal and a small log in the middle of the road. Safely past, he glanced in his rearview mirror and saw someone dart out behind his car to grab the bag. He stopped and turned his car around. And got a 3 to 4 second glimpse of "something walking on two feet" approximately 50 feet away. He saw a rear view and a side profile. It appeared to 7 to 7 1/2 ft tall and was covered in black hair and with broad, muscular shoulders. The witness said he felt "nervous, confused, and excited at the same time."

Number 9 : January 8, 2008, near Scripio, Utah

A big rig driver with a load of Idaho potatoes was driving down US I-15. As he started down an incline, he noticed something with glowing eyes at the side of the road. Thinking it might be a deer, he switched on his high beams, only to see a "gigantic creature" running across the road with long strides about 20 feet away. The driver estimated the height at 8 to 10 ft tall, 600-800 pounds. It had black hair and big eye brows; long, lanky arms. He saw this as the creature turned it's head to look at the truck bearing down on it. The startled driver swerved hard to the middle of the road to avoid hitting it, almost wrecking the truck. By the time he regained control and rolled to a stop 200 to 300 yards away, the figure was out of sight. Originally a skeptic, he is now a believer in sasquatch. "It scared the hell out of me."

Number 8 : September 1, 2009, Independence Pass, near Rifle, Colorado

A woman was on her way to work at around 6:15 am. Feeling a little "groggy", she decided to pull her truck over and get some fresh air to revive herself. As she was getting out of her truck, she noticed movement in the meadow directly ahead of her. She had just concluded it was a bear when the creature stood up, arms to its sides just like a person would stand. It was huge and was covered in cinnamon colored hair. And had breasts. She had always "poo=pooed" the idea of sasquatch but now she says : "My life is forever changed."

Number 7 : August 29, 2011, Hocking County, Ohio

It was around dusk when the witness was taking her litter of whippet puppies outside to go to the bathroom. As she was standing there she heard a whistling sound, like the one she would make to get the attention of her dogs. Thinking it was her parrot, she returned the whistle. This went on for a few exchanges until one of her adult dogs, an Australian Shepherd "woofed" and she heard a loud rustle in the nearby forest. She looked up to see a "tall hairy creature", 8 to 9 ft tall looking at them. When it saw her looking toward it, it released the tree branch it was holding and stepped back into the trees. The woman was a former deer hunter and was experienced in the outdoors and was not mistaking another animal for what she described. The BFRO investigator concluded : "I'm sure that a bigfoot's curiosity would be heightened by a new woman living in a previously unoccupied house and a litter full of whippet puppies."

Number 6 : October 23, 2010, Hugo, Oregon

A deer hunter drove into his area at around 7:15 am and parked his ATV. He then entered the woods quietly as he was heading to his favorite clearing and had no wish to startle the deer. As he was walking, he became aware of a very large animal walking about 10 yards ahead on the trail. It wasn't running but appeared to cover 15 to 20 ft in just two strides. And it made no noise. Curious, the hunter turned on his flashlight for a better view. "What I saw made my hair stand on end." He saw a 7 to 7 1/2 ft tall, 500 lb, muscular creature covered in dark fur. It had long arms and a slightly hunched posture. "I have seen a few bears, and I know positively that it was not a bear." The creature quickly made it's way down a hillside and was gone from view within a few seconds. It all happened so quickly that the man never thought to pull out his digital camera and take a picture. "I used to think . . . that Sasquatch couldn't exist because there would be tons of pictures. But now I can see why that isn't true."

Next post : Counting down Numbers 5 through 1.


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."

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