
Thursday, June 21, 2018

THE MATILDA STORY - Pt. 5 - Aftermath; and where is the documentary

The paths of those directly involved with Matilda's story have gone in separate directions, leaving many questions unanswered.

The DNA study by Dr. Melba Ketchum's DNA lab are still hotly debated in some circles. Other DNA studies have been made with alleged sasquatch samples since then. And all fall under the same discussions pro and con; belief or doubt; faked or real. But there is still the underlying problem with any DNA study that has been done or will be done. Until the scientific community formally accepts the existence of a mammal known as a sasquatch, there can be no definitive study made of any DNA samples. And the scientific community will not formally acknowledge the existence of a sasquatch until the government formally admits to its existance. And I am sure that the government in turn will tell you that no such creature exists because scientists have not found one yet.

And there you have the Sasquatch Catch-22.

The Erickson Documentary. No one denies that the film footage actually exists. It is unclear whether anyone other than those closely involved have ever seen it in its entirety. At least parts of it have been viewed by people. But no one can confirm exactly where the documentary is or who owns it.

There are rumors that Adrian Erickson sold it to National Geographic. Or that Ketchum purchased the footage for an alleged $1,000,000.00. What we can say for sure was that the documentary was shelved by Erickson is 2011, even though it was alleged to be in its finishing stages. Erickson felt that the footage would not be able to get the "unpartial, open-minded scientist who would stick his/her neck out to discuss the controversial DNA results . . . " to endorse the documentary. He further stated the "Sasquatch community crucified Melba's results . . .  there was so much opposition and skepticism." He felt that to release the film would be "pointless".

Another rumor stated that the footage was offered to Moneymaker but that he refused to purchase it at the asking price and perhaps became  or had become skeptical of it?

Although some feel Erickson, or Ketchum, sold the footage to Hollywood, Erickson said that he refused the offers from LA because he felt they were more interested in ratings and entertainment and would not treat the study seriously.

Said Erickson : "I did NOT sell any of it. I NEVER sold a single piece." He also once stated that he was likely to continue the project in the future.  However, he appears to no longer be involved in any sasquatch research or activity. At least not publicly. It is said he works with the First Nations People of Canada and has returned to his first business : Guiding hunts.

For a little while (2012), he had a real estate business "Ruby Ridge", a large development in British Columbia. He sold a few lots, but the down turn in the housing market undermined the next stages of development which included the necessary phone and cell coverage, water and sewer lines and putting in the needed road surfaces.

Not much is found on what Dennis Pfohl is doing now. He is still referred to as a business owner in Colorado and an avid outdoorsman. He may still be a reseacher for BFRO, looking into reports made to the organization.

In October, 2017, Dennis's wife Shannon made "news" by declaring that Adrian Erickson still has possession of more than two dozen unreleased video clips of sasquatch. Other sources say it is a total of 42 pieces of footage. She said that although Erickson has the rights to the videos, she filmed some of it, as did her husband Dennis. She further stated that Erickson gave Dennis Pfohl permission to share some or all of this footage at the 2018 spring Mile High Mystery Conference. She finished with saying that Kevin Burns (BFRO investigator) has seen ALL the footage.

The conference was scheduled May 4-6 but no detailed information appears to be public on just what Dennis Pfohl presented. Reporter Trevor Phipps said that Pfohl "showed videos they took during the project and he described his personal experiences."

When Shannon Pfohl was questioned deeper on the subject of the alleged additional footage and why it was not being released : "We do not have any obligation to you or anyone else to show or explain anything."

Dr. Leila Hadj-Chikh is no longer involved in any sasquatch research. She does list the Erickson Project on her resume. Hadj-Chikh currently works as a Developer for Climate Central's Program on Sea Level Rise. Before that she was involved with software engineering.

The main research site for the Erickson Project is no longer an active research site. The sasquatch are assumed to still be there. The property is said to have been sold to friends of Dennis Pfohl.

"The world is not ready to accept what this species is. Certainly the scientific community is not," said Erickson. "Sasquatch will decide when it is time to be recognized. The Sasquatch decides when he let [sic] you see him. There is no hunting for Sasquatch with night vision and cameras as I naively thought at the start of this project. Unless they are chance encounters, the Sasquatch knows when you are there and he is stalking us humans, NOT the other way around. I have also learned more about human nature along the way, the viciousness and prejudice on the subject."

My opinion?

I think a lot of good research has been flushed by the scientific and bigfoot communities. Some passionate people made stupid mistakes and errors in judgment. Was it intentional? Was it done to discredit some remarkable discoveries? Was it over-zealousness? People wanting so hard to get the world's attention and having an insecurity on how impactful their evidence would be?

Problem is, one "bad" brushstroke does not always ruin the painting. But not in this community. It's like a pack of baying hounds. One whiff of "blood" and off they go, with the rest of the sheep-like followers waving torches and pitchforks following.

The sleeping sasquatch? Could be anything. Could be the real deal. A lot of questions attached to it.

The close up Matilda faces? I dismiss those as someone either trying to create interest in the future documentary, or someone trying to discredit it. And if I'm wrong, well, I've been wrong before. It won't bother me. But I will want to have definitive proof shown to me. Which is not there at this time.

Adrian Erickson? I'd like to believe him. He seems to have had a background in sasquatch experiences. To me, it seems unlikely that he would resort to trickery.  Dennis Pfohl and his wife Shannon leave a bad taste in my mouth. Melba Ketchum is a puzzle wrapped in an enigma. Wish I could get a handle on her.  Leila Hadj-Chikh? Not enough to form an opinion.

Well, for better or worse, my version of events is done. Hope I've made you think, and perhaps take a deeper look.


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."

Patterson film sasquatch

Partial list of sources for the series of articles :

Bigfoot Field Journal
Cryptozoo News
Bigfoot Encounters
Ghost Theory
Doubtful News
Bigfoot Evidence
Die Tiefe
Mile High Mystery Conference
various online news sources
various bloggers and personal interviews

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