
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

THE MATILDA STORY - Pt. 4 -- Videos and photographs of Matilda

With the release of Dr. Melba Ketchum's paper on the DNA study, was a video of an alleged sleeping sasquatch. Both Adrian Erickson and Ketchum vowed for the authenticity of the video. The subject shown was known as "Donor 37", or more popularly as "Matilda".

Sleeping Sasquatch

still of the sleeping sasquatch

It was said the multi-millionaire Wally Hersom (BRFO backer) and Matt Moneymaker (BRFO and Finding Bigfoot) were granted exclusive access to the full length footage.

Said Matt Moneymaker: "Yes Matilda is real. There were two bigfoots there -- an adult female and a juvenile female. The sleeping one was the adult female." He went on to defend his position : "Here is a real clip of a real bigfoot. I can easily debunk anyone who tries to claim it is fake . . . "

Matilda - her face at last

Hersom claimed to have observed "fangs" and  a "black tongue" as the creature approached the camera. Also stated was that the sasquatch was "shifty and feral with darting eyes" and displayed a "paranoid and aggressive" demeanor.

Some claimed the footage was much more detailed than the Patterson Film as it contained full facial close up shots. According to the witnesses :

1) Nose similar to ours (but with larger nostrils)
2) Slightly chapped, rosy lips
3) Pink mouth, blackish tongue
4) Pointed teeth, like fangs
5) Deep set eyes that dart around and don't blink
6) Round head, shaped more human than gorilla -- Brow more prominent
7) Lots of fine, flowing hair on head (dark reddish brown) and soft short hair on her face
8) As walks away moves just like female in Patterson Film

One blogger summed it up :

Why I do not believe that Matilda is a mask. The black tongue, gums and inner mouth, the long straight tongue and the jutting lower jaw with a strong underbite all suggest to me that this is not a mask. I em bothered by the fact that her mouth is open the whole time as a mask would be. But she may be opening her mouth to smell better, as many animals open their mouths to smell. She probably smells the human hidden nearby in the ghillie suit. In the rest of the video, Matilda walks forward a few more steps, sees the woman in the ghillie suit, growls and turns and walks away. When she walks away, she walks exactly like Patty, 100% dead ringer.

Adrian Erickson stated : "I can say it is 100% authentic knowing the circumstance how and by whom it was taken."  And to the close up face footage : " . . . [a critic] was not there the day it was taken, nor were we when this was taken. We have reason to believe it is the same sasquatch that was in the area that both Dennis and I saw, on separate occasions, at close range."

And now for the stills taken from the footage. These are the stills that nay sayers used when the video was declared a fake, the face portrayed by a Chewbecca mask based on the Star Wars character. There are several versions of the mask out there available on the internet.

Having just seen the latest Star Wars movie Solo, and an avid fan of the original trilogy of the franchise (i.e. Episodes IV, V, and VI), I have to say, there is a remarkable similarity to Chewbecca.



Along with skepticism arising from the short videos provided, those reading the paper began to find problems. For example : Three of the references cited in the Ketchum paper were discovered to be "questionable". One was actually revealed to have been an April Fool's joke that claimed the yeti was actually an ungulate (hoofed mammal) and that the resemblance to apes was due to "convergent evolution".  Ketchum defended her position by saying she was told to include "all" references by one reviewer. She did not admit that she knew they weren't reputable scientific entries.

(Link to the paper if you wish to read it yourself) :

Some of the problems that viewers of these videos talk about includes  that the "Sleeping Sasquatch" could be any type of hairy creature lying there. Most say it resembles some sort of long haired dog. As for the facial close ups, besides the resemblance to Chewbeccca, the seemingly starring "glass" eye, the mouth hanging open, no movement of facial muscles. And for both videos, being unable to understand how someone got a camera so close to the sasquatch and yet have failed to either produce further film or an explanation as to why the film clips are so short and show no more detail, such as full body views and continued action from the sasquatch.

There were promises of a documentary being made. To date, no documentary has been released.

Tomorrow - Aftermath and where is the documentary?


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."

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