
Monday, November 26, 2018


Original artwork by Nancy
There are a couple of lists out there where someone has undertaken to categorize the "types" of bigfoot or sasquatch. Some by looks, some by actions, some by . . . .  well, whatever they choose. But what if sasquatch typed us by our research methods?

(Not listed in any order of importance, frequency of encounters, or by any desirable or undesirable qualities.)

1. The Weekend Warrior :  This researcher goes out whenever he finds any spare time.  He loves the outdoors, the hiking over the countryside and through the woods. He makes good use of the time that he can free up from working one or two jobs, raising a family, and keeping the homestead from falling to pieces. He puts his time out there to very good use. Solitary hikes are fine, but is not averse to including friends, the kids, or the spouse.

2. The Recreational Researcher :  This guy is in just for the fun, for the thrill of the hunt. He approaches this almost as if it's a RPG.  He loves a chance to camp out with buddies and tell stories of past experiences. Coffee and chili on the fire and sit back and listen to the sounds of the woods at night.

3. The Professional Researcher :  This one is quite certain of himself and his skills. And he will tell you all about them. And all his experiences. He will state his opinions firmly and freely. He always has advice on how to do field work, how to gather evidence, how to process that evidence, and just what it is that you have discovered. He feels that everything he has accomplished makes him the "authority" in the Bigfoot World.

4. The Traditional Researcher : There is only one way to research. And that is his way. He doesn't change how he researches. He has always done it that way and will not consider anything new or different. He also has an opinion on everything. There is a right way and a wrong way. And his way is right. There is also the chance that this one may never have actually set foot in the woods.

5.  The Scientific Researcher : This field worker has dedicated himself to "proving" bigfoot exists. He will gather every piece of "evidence" he can find and analyze it. He owns every piece of equipment available and is not afraid to use it. Only the best electronics will be for him and as upgrades and improved products come out, he will find a way to acquire them.

6. The Experienced Researcher : He knows the flora and fauna of the area. He can tell a bear track from a dog track and will explain how to tell a natural tree break from a manipulated one. He can also probably tell you with greater accuracy than the local weatherman on when it's going to rain or snow. He's also the one you want by your side if you get lost in the woods. Avid fan of Les Stroud. Not only owns all episodes of his TV shows, but now subscribes to his internet channel.

7. The Enthusiast : This person has watched every episode of every TV show that has aired anything about bigfoot or sasquatch. Loves any movie that alludes to them. Subscribes to any internet channel that includes any shows or movies about sasquatch.  Joins every group he can find on Facebook and reads as many posts of encounters he can find. 

8. The On-Line Looker : This one knows every YouTube video, internet radio show, video blogger, and blog site that features stories of bigfoot. They belong to every Facebook group they can find. They know something about almost every internet reported experience and know all the "players" by name.

9. The Armchair Researcher : Undervalued and unappreciated by most, this researcher knows the history of sasquatch and bigfoot. They know where to go to get the information in answer to just about everything others may ask about. They are able to analyze evidence and encounters without bias. They will chronicle the history of events and keep it alive for future researchers. Their joy is in discovering things, and developing theories to be tested. They love knowledge. Although labeled Armchair, not all such have never done field work. Common misconception.

10. The Habituator : To these researchers, anything and everything can happen. They experiment and think outside the box. They will develop the art of gifting, dialing in to what they feel works for them. Usually, this group has abandoned most of the traditional, seasoned ways of trying to communicate with sasquatch. (Non-Native ways.) It is difficult to know how to type this category as there are may different forms that  this can take. These are the communicators; the ones who seem to be interacting with sasquatch or bigfoot.

We can all see parts of ourselves under almost every type. Many of the types cross over each other. And doesn't that also apply to the types of bigfoot that are on lists? Nothing remains within one definition. Heck. I don't consider myself the Scientific Researcher, but if you hand me a drone or a FLIR, I'm sure as shooting gonna play around with that thing and use it. 

Update : a reader, staying anonymous gave me an 11th type of researcher. And so I shall add it.

11. The experiencer : These people do not worry about research, going out and trying to collect evidence. They 'know'. And may be in communication with these people and treat them with great respect. [I add] They have no need to try to prove anything to anyone and do not feel they need to produce any evidence or proof of their convictions.


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."



  1. Many of us are number 11. The Experiencer. We do not have anything to do with ‘research.’ We communicate with these beautiful and highly evolved people. Respectfully.

  2. Well I believe you've covered all the bases! I fall into the last category I suppose. Because when you know the rest of it seems inconsequential.
