
Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Making the rounds of all the group pages and discussion groups is this trail cam photo. It's raising a few questions and a bit of skepticism [per usual].

Not much seems to be known about this photo. Just the one photo.

"One ping only". Sorry, I love that movie. But I digress.

Once again, we have just one photo from a trail cam. Not the picture before. Not the picture after. Just . . .  the . . .  one.    [ParaBreakdown YouTube]

This photo is said to be from a trail cam left by a group of Michigan deer hunters.

"This trail cal [sic] pic was captured buy [sic] a member of our team in Michigan. Needless to say, he's been carrying a firearm since. What are you [sic] thoughts on what this could be."

It was posted on an Instagram business account from Marco apparel. Some think it's just a promotional gimmick.

There are those who are declaring this is a sasquatch or bigfoot. A couple offered "shapeshifter".  And then there are the other suggestions and solutions.

Raccoon. Zoom in and then you can make out the ears and the dark around the eyes. 

Another deer.

A deer and a fawn.

Owl sitting on a fallen tree -- with a deer behind it.


Costume. [but never a link to where I can buy it. Great for Halloween to scare the kiddies.]

Fox or dog.

Large rock.

Worn down tree. 

Doctored an image. [ok. but what image? How? Photoshopped in? What?]

There are some explanations offered for what the viewer sees.

It's not a sasquatch because it's a flesh and blood primate and there is no known species of primate on the planet today with eyeshine ability.

If it's an apex predator why are the deer just standing there?

And here's my favorite explanation of what we are seeing :

". . .  that it is actually the back of a human baby in a snow suit. Its a picture of a baby's behind and the two white things are its baby shoes from behind. The baby is up in the air or someone is holding the baby up in the air. The baby's back is to the camera."

So, is it real? Is it hoaxed? Is it a joke? Don't know. But it's fun to look at, study, try to analyze, talk about. 'Cause, isn't that what we're best at?  Talking about someone else's "evidence"?


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."

Monday, November 26, 2018


Original artwork by Nancy
There are a couple of lists out there where someone has undertaken to categorize the "types" of bigfoot or sasquatch. Some by looks, some by actions, some by . . . .  well, whatever they choose. But what if sasquatch typed us by our research methods?

(Not listed in any order of importance, frequency of encounters, or by any desirable or undesirable qualities.)

1. The Weekend Warrior :  This researcher goes out whenever he finds any spare time.  He loves the outdoors, the hiking over the countryside and through the woods. He makes good use of the time that he can free up from working one or two jobs, raising a family, and keeping the homestead from falling to pieces. He puts his time out there to very good use. Solitary hikes are fine, but is not averse to including friends, the kids, or the spouse.

2. The Recreational Researcher :  This guy is in just for the fun, for the thrill of the hunt. He approaches this almost as if it's a RPG.  He loves a chance to camp out with buddies and tell stories of past experiences. Coffee and chili on the fire and sit back and listen to the sounds of the woods at night.

3. The Professional Researcher :  This one is quite certain of himself and his skills. And he will tell you all about them. And all his experiences. He will state his opinions firmly and freely. He always has advice on how to do field work, how to gather evidence, how to process that evidence, and just what it is that you have discovered. He feels that everything he has accomplished makes him the "authority" in the Bigfoot World.

4. The Traditional Researcher : There is only one way to research. And that is his way. He doesn't change how he researches. He has always done it that way and will not consider anything new or different. He also has an opinion on everything. There is a right way and a wrong way. And his way is right. There is also the chance that this one may never have actually set foot in the woods.

5.  The Scientific Researcher : This field worker has dedicated himself to "proving" bigfoot exists. He will gather every piece of "evidence" he can find and analyze it. He owns every piece of equipment available and is not afraid to use it. Only the best electronics will be for him and as upgrades and improved products come out, he will find a way to acquire them.

6. The Experienced Researcher : He knows the flora and fauna of the area. He can tell a bear track from a dog track and will explain how to tell a natural tree break from a manipulated one. He can also probably tell you with greater accuracy than the local weatherman on when it's going to rain or snow. He's also the one you want by your side if you get lost in the woods. Avid fan of Les Stroud. Not only owns all episodes of his TV shows, but now subscribes to his internet channel.

7. The Enthusiast : This person has watched every episode of every TV show that has aired anything about bigfoot or sasquatch. Loves any movie that alludes to them. Subscribes to any internet channel that includes any shows or movies about sasquatch.  Joins every group he can find on Facebook and reads as many posts of encounters he can find. 

8. The On-Line Looker : This one knows every YouTube video, internet radio show, video blogger, and blog site that features stories of bigfoot. They belong to every Facebook group they can find. They know something about almost every internet reported experience and know all the "players" by name.

9. The Armchair Researcher : Undervalued and unappreciated by most, this researcher knows the history of sasquatch and bigfoot. They know where to go to get the information in answer to just about everything others may ask about. They are able to analyze evidence and encounters without bias. They will chronicle the history of events and keep it alive for future researchers. Their joy is in discovering things, and developing theories to be tested. They love knowledge. Although labeled Armchair, not all such have never done field work. Common misconception.

10. The Habituator : To these researchers, anything and everything can happen. They experiment and think outside the box. They will develop the art of gifting, dialing in to what they feel works for them. Usually, this group has abandoned most of the traditional, seasoned ways of trying to communicate with sasquatch. (Non-Native ways.) It is difficult to know how to type this category as there are may different forms that  this can take. These are the communicators; the ones who seem to be interacting with sasquatch or bigfoot.

We can all see parts of ourselves under almost every type. Many of the types cross over each other. And doesn't that also apply to the types of bigfoot that are on lists? Nothing remains within one definition. Heck. I don't consider myself the Scientific Researcher, but if you hand me a drone or a FLIR, I'm sure as shooting gonna play around with that thing and use it. 

Update : a reader, staying anonymous gave me an 11th type of researcher. And so I shall add it.

11. The experiencer : These people do not worry about research, going out and trying to collect evidence. They 'know'. And may be in communication with these people and treat them with great respect. [I add] They have no need to try to prove anything to anyone and do not feel they need to produce any evidence or proof of their convictions.


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."


Friday, November 16, 2018


For many, gifting is a new concept. However, there are quite a few researchers and enthusiasts who have done this for years with good results.

So what exactly is "gifting"?

Well, it's not a meal-in-a-box or a banquet. It's not your left over hiking snacks, your processed foods, that peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 

[Leo] : The purpose of a gift is to show appreciation for a hundred different things -- letting me be there, letting me be a part of their lives, for them being a part of mine.

Why leave a gift? It's the proper thing to do. You're in their home. It's a way of saying 'Thank you' for them welcoming me and accepting me. It's a small something in return for what they have given me.

[Nancy] :So how do you begin gifting?

[Leo] : When going into a new area and you find signs of activity, it is a good time to go back in and gift. Find what looks like a likely spot, usually near a concentration of suspected activity.  You need to wait a reasonable length of time to see if your gift is accepted. If you don't know the frequency of activity, it may take a few days for a response. It may even take a few tries. Sasquatch are not the only inhabitants of the area and other creatures may be enjoying your gift. If you have frequent activity, you may get a response or acceptance of the gift by the next day.

[Nancy] : What should you gift?

[Leo] : The food sources naturally available in the area is best. Apples, pears, vegetables, even salmon or fish. Why do it if they can get it for themselves? The idea of gifting is that you are making an effort to do it. That you are showing them respect. That's what matters. Again, it's not to feed them. It's a tribute, a thank you. To honor them.

[Nancy] And why natural foods native to the area?  Yes, they will most likely eat chocolate and candy and the processed bread and the peanut butter and the deli meat and cheeseburgers, oreos, twinkies and all that other processed food stuffs we humans gobble down. That doesn't mean it's good for them. A good guideline is : if it grows naturally in the area and is readily available to them, then leave that to honor them.

[Leo] : They don't have dentists. They, especially the little ones, will like the sugars as we do. They can't survive with rotted or missing teeth. Many things in the food we eat are said to cause cancer. Is that a condition we wish to give them?

[Nancy] : What about non-food items? Are there other items that you can gift them?

[Leo] : Yes, there are some things that are fine. You would want to stay away from things that are glass or plastic that can break They are not really good ideas. Balls, marbles, or handmade items are good. Especially the handmade items because they'll know you made it just for them. Another thing would be drawings. Weigh it down with a rock. One of you and the sasquatch, for example. It doesn't have to be a good drawing as long as the meaning is there.  

[Nancy] : What about gifts in return? Do you think they give you items in exchange?

[Leo] : Well, first they have given me the privilege of seeing them. Photographing them. Taking videos. They have let me see their young ones. I have gotten a variety of things from them. Braided birchbark, shells, polished stones, a rabbit, a bird, and even a moose bladder. The bladder is used by them as a pouch. One of the common items I received from them were feathers. Birds seem to have an important connection to sasquatch. They will also gift back with artwork. Small structures. They will do this especially if you show your interest in the structures and artwork in the area. When you come across these items, including X's and arches, look with your eyes, not your hands. Show respect for their creativity and work. The more interest you show and respect, the more they will create for your pleasure. 

[Nancy] : There are some who think they shouldn't be in an area. They go in to leave another gift and they hear some wood knocks or even a vocal of some kind.

[Leo} ; They do need to be more aware of the sounds that are heard when they go into the area. But knocks and vocals are not always a sign of aggression. For example, when I would go into the New Brunswick area, there was a large rock, a boulder by the path in. I would take a small rock and do 3 knocks, pause, then 2 more to announce I was going in. If they wanted to be seen they could come out to see me. Or if they wanted to stay away, they could leave the gifting area. It also let them know that "treats" were coming. These were mostly apples and pears.

[Leo] : In the current research area, I don't need to announce that I'm coming in. Usually as I'm walking in, I hear a series of knocks -- one usually pretty close by and then others at a distance. It seems to be their way of telling each other that I'm coming in. Ashley {one of the young ones in the family}, sometimes will bark when I get near. It may be a greeting, or a sound of excitement.

[Nancy] : What else should Gifters be aware of?

[Leo] : They should always be aware that there is a potential for bigfoot, not sasquatch, to be in the area. {see older posts 'Sasquatch vs Bigfoot pt1'  - July 1, 2018; 'Sasquatch vs. Bigfoot pt. 2' - November 1, 2018}. Bigfoot will deceive you. They will get you comfortable. They may return gift you and appear to be friendly. It's not until they have you so involved, that they are constantly around, even at your house, that you begin to feel something is wrong. You may find that these are the ones that when you stop gifting them, they start harassing you with actions like pounding on your house, aggressively following you, tormenting your pets and farm animals, intimidating you. They enjoy your fear. They "get off" on it. It's one of their reasons for engaging your attention. The caution is : If it feels wrong, it's wrong.

[Nancy] : If it feels wrong, it's wrong. That's important to remember.

[Leo] : Another thing to know, to keep in mind, even if the gifts are not taken -- but are moved -- they are letting you know they are aware of you and your gift. They may be still unsure of you, still checking you out and just what your intentions are. If an item is removed from the gifting platform but still in the area, it usually means that they are thanking you for the gift. But they have no use for it. It is better to remove that item and replace it with something else. They may also take a container in which you carried the gift items and place it near or at where you entered the gifting area. It is a gentle reminder to take it back with you as it doesn't belong there.

[Nancy] : With the gifting you have done in your research areas, what have they liked the most?

[Leo] : They seem to be content with a basic offering -- since it is an offering, a small token. I think they probably let the young ones eat the items.

[Nancy] : What else can you tell us about gifting?

[Leo] : It isn't always instant reaction or response from them. It may take days, weeks or even months before they become comfortable with you being in their woods, or for them to come by if you have chosen a place where they seldom come. If you get no response after a reasonable length of time, you can chose another area. That's why it's important to select a place where they seem to come and often.

[Nancy] : What are the signs to look for to know that you have chosen a likely spot?

[Leo] : You look for the basic ones like tracks, or scuffs. You also look for structures, artwork, manipulations of trees. 

[Nancy] : All right. I've found a location that has activity. How do I decide where to leave the gift? What determines a gifting platform?

[Leo] : Don't place your gift too close to a structure. That could cause interference with the 
message(s) or with the intent of what they have done in the area.  A good spot would be if there is a rock in the area that is prominent, or a tree root that stands out, even the crotch of a tree.

[Nancy] : Is there anything else you'd like to say to those interested in gifting?

[Leo] : Yeah. Contrary to what you are being told on Facebook and everywhere else, there are thousands of people doing this and keeping it to themselves. And they do it because it works. The backlash they get from it is the reason why they keep it to themselves. And it angers the people who stick to the old school ways because of the results gifting can bring. The results that we've gotten in one year is more than old-schoolers have gotten in over 50 years. All the tracks and stuff they get all excited about aren't always a big deal. It's good for telling you who they are and for telling you there's activity in the area. 

But what about the next step? No one seems to want to go that step because then it will be over. They will have some answers. And anyone who does make the effort to take it to the next level is either a liar, hoaxer, or delusional. But remember all Believers like to throw out that expression : "If only one of us is telling the truth, that makes it real." That doesn't stop at only old schoolers. If it applies to them, it applies to all. What you believe or don't believe is of no consequence to us, it doesn't change a thing. 

But let's not forget that there is a right way and a wrong way in what you gift.
I cannot express how angry it makes me when people offer them junk. I understand that some people use food to try and "Bait" them but how's that working out for you? These are not some form of stunned gorilla that are going to walk into a trap because something smells good. Another thing that drives me crazy is when people who have never done this try to school me on how irresponsible it is to leave these gifts because they will become dependent on it. . . Really? Think about that, look at what has been gifted in the pics above. Do you really think that a family of Sasquatch are going to thrive or starve on or without this? It is the offering, the effort, the thought and the thank you. It's really that simple. Don't blindly believe anything I say, just give it a try, leave the junk food at home, use only natural food and have learning in mind. If you try this to get your "Proof" for lack of a better word, don't bother. They will know and you'll get nothing. In the event that you do catch one off guard and attempt to get your proof, it won't matter to anyone because although they do not want to harm us in any way, you wont be leaving the woods. And that's a fact. 

One last thing that I have to repeat often. Sasquatch are NOT the only hair covered giants out there. Be careful what you are trying to interact with, very careful, because some of the horror stories are true and the last thing you want to do is encourage these ones to be around. They are nothing but evil.    

[Nancy] : At times I don't know if we talk about that enough. That not everything out there is sasquatch. People are fond of listing all the Native names for sasquatch. But those aren't all names for one being. You can't go through what little the Natives have shared with us and list all the giants and hair covered beings that are in their legends as a sasquatch. If you truly read and try to understand the stories, you will realize that many different ones are being talked about. Bigfoot, dogman, demons and even perhaps aliens, and whatever other "monster" you want to believe in is told about, warned about in some of these legends. We should heed them and be careful. Because more than sasquatch lives in the woods.        

I had gifted the usual apples and decided to try Garlic because of a claim made by
another person years ago that the Sasquatch she interacted with used it for mosquitoes.
I figured whether I believed her story or not, it was worth a try and they took it, so who knows? 
I had brought the gifts in the first picture in the plastic container in the second.I gifted as soon as I went in
and sat it down next to a nearby tree to pick up on my way out. This is how it was when I got back. I laughed at this
at the time as it reminded me of the first area that I had tried gifting in another province. In that case I had been using an old pot and had a plastic bowl nailed through the bottom to a piece of plywood in a tree. The pot went missing for 3 months and was returned with two sticks crossed like this at the entrance of the game trail I followed to go in.  

Running low on gifts, I gave rhubarb a shot along with a tomato and strawberries. Strawberries always go over big.
This was gifted back to me last spring. I don't know for sure what it is or means but
it is very close to a Chinese symbol for friend. 
These black rocks were waiting for me one morning
on the way in. I'm not sure why but I have kept them
in the inside pocket of my leather jacket since that day.
I have no idea about this one, I took the shells and keep them in a safe place
with other gifts but left the sticks as they were. I thanked them out loud and carried on.


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."


"Where's my proof? In my more than 20 years I have never tried to show proof. I share my results."


Wednesday, November 7, 2018


In February, 1979, a young man took part in a student exchange program. He spent two weeks living with an Inuit family in Ivajiuik, the northernmost Inuit village in Quebec. This is where he began to dream of bringing his northern experience to life on a big screen so others could see the wonder of what he experienced. Martin Jose Dignard finally realized his dreams in May, 2001.

The IMAX film, The Great North, was eventually released to DVD in 2002 and then Blue Ray in 2008. And this documentary being viewed, not on an IMAX super large screen, but on a tv set with a much smaller screen, generated a new frenzy. A viewer posted on the internet that he saw a bigfoot apparently chasing/hunting caribou.

A person posting wrote : "I'm the one that brought this to the attention of other bigfooters, and it does look like a bigfoot because it has long swinging arms." 

Opinions flew back and forth. Breakdowns and analysis followed. The frenzy was on. And intensified with the release of the Blue Ray with better digital clarity.

". . . can be interpreted as a 'BF shape'. . . "

"I saw the swinging arms too."

It was a film crew member or a bear.

It was a person with a backpack on a mountain bike riding down the mountain who ended up in the middle of a caribou herd.

It was a female carrying an infant on her back. It was not a backpack.

It's just another caribou.

"The only Caribou near the Giant Bipedal Creature is the dead one it flips onto its shoulder."

"It shows in detail a female bigfoot with a smaller one crawling up its back."

"I see the backpack too. Probably a member of the crew. Possibly to keep the caribou moving in the right direction."

"The climate and landscape is not enough to hide or support a creature that large."

"I think they radioed to him that he was in their shot so he went down and that's why you don't see him come back up."

Bigfoot Lunch Club was one of the early analysts who conjectured that the figure was a caribou. This was based on watching the DVD. They felt the shape looked the same as the other dark shapes of caribou running in the foreground. To them it appeared to be moving in the same galloping rhythm as the surrounding four-legged animals. Their statement continued with the statement that the figure made a 90 degree turn to its left to go up the hill with the rest of the herd. A claim was made that they could see the head and horns.

Then the Blue Ray was released. Upon further consideration after viewing the segment, they decided to go with the more popular consensus that the figure was now a camera crew member with a backpack on.

Matt Moneymaker first endorsed this footage, writing an article for the BFRO website. In it he listed the sasquatch like traits of the figure.

Uniform in color; dark brown with rusty-brown tints; not a silhouetted figure but with adequate lighting so as  not to make it appear darker than it is; should see contours of clothing if a person; looks like it is covered in fur like a bear; not "puffy" like from a ghillie suit; figure appears large for human form compared to the caribou; behavior is "squatch-like; herding the caribou into an ambush.

Here is a video of the Moneymaker/Wally Hersom analysis :

One of the people responsible for the filming of the footage stated in an interview that the figure was not a crew member or a bear. The person was not named, but it is supposed that it was William Reeve who was listed as Director of Photography. Reeve died May 23, 2018. Some other quotes attributed to him :

"I was the cameraman and Co-Director of the movie. I can verify that no human with back pack, bicycle, black suits, or a black bear, was within 200 miles of this Caribou migration; the idea of a human chasing a herd that is running that fast is absurd. For non-believers, go there and try to get within 200 yards of a caribou on foot; their survival instinct is more intelligent than us humans."

"My theory : Is that Big Foot are Omnivore. In close proximity to a caribou, Big Foot could possibly outrun a Caribou in a short sprint and strong enough to take weaker ones down. The Big Foot in foreground has cut out a small group of caribou and they are being run up the hill to slow them down. The herd is obviously stressed usually by predators look at the confusion and panic in the water. The second Big Foot in mid right background (black sport that raises and lowers itself) is waiting for the small herd to get closer and a chance to strike. The third Big Foot off to the left (black spot getting very slightly taller and then shrinking middle upper frame background) is waiting for a second chance to catch one from the same small herd in case the second one to the right misses the chance. We filmed biologists netting caribou from helicopter with net guns to test for pregnancy and carefully fly them to a compound for research. The ones that were not pregnant were let go. Caribou lying down are vulnerable because of their long legs. To stand up is an awkward deed for them so one that is down on its side by a predator would be an easy kill. An eight foot high Big Foot could possibly be tall and strong enough to overcome even a young female in this footage why else would we humans filming, a) be trying to steer a small herd away from the camera and main herd; b) have person in contrasty black suit, running at the speed of a Caribou; and c) for what logical filmic reason?"

There is also a 1st Assistant Cameraman, Filipe Telxera, who was interviewed, who seemed unaware at the time that people were seeing this figure in the middle of the caribou herd. He agreed with the person interviewing him that if there was a figure in the film among the herds, it was probably a crew member.
This seems an unfair person to rely on for opinions, as he had no idea that a controversy was rising and to which scene in the film the interviewer was referring to. 

Someone named White also is supposed to have made the claim that in certain scenes of the film, some crew members were "discreetly positioned" to direct herds where they needed them to go. This was apparently done in the segments filmed in Sweden regarding the reindeer. These animals are herded by farmers and therefore can be made to travel in the direction the men want them to go.

It can also be argued that if the film crew had decided to perpetrate a hoax, why did they wait 9 years before arranging for the figure to be noticed? Wouldn't more money been made if this were brought out while the film was making it's way around the IMAX theaters?

This was filmed as a serious documentary, funded by Hydro-Quebec, supported by the Swedish Museum of Natural History, among other scientific and nature organizations.

This was also a remote location. Not an easy one to get the crew and equipment into. And while it has been argued that this is a "popular" place for mountain bike enthusiasts where they can ride up and down the mountain slopes, I find it hard to believe that someone would choose to ride directly into the middle of a herd of running caribou.

Now, if we suppose that the figure is that of a cameraman attempting to get into a better position for a good angle of the herd, where is the camera? Also, remember that this film was being shot with the special IMAX camera which is larger and heavier than a regular movie camera. It would be difficult for one man to move that equipment and also foolish to risk damaging the equipment.

To further develop the theory of the figure being a crew member who is now down there attempting to direct the herd in a particular direction. Again, you would have to consider the foolishness of being in the middle of a herd of large running mammals. And if he were trying to direct them, he is doing a bad job of it as the caribou are now running away from the camera and out of the close shot.

The director stated that the team tried hard not to spook the herd. When frightened, caribou have a tendency to stampede which would result in a very dangerous situation for any crew members in the close vicinity.

And then we have those who have declared that the figure is someone on a mountain bike riding through the herd of caribou. Once you read that statement, it is hard to watch the video without thinking that it is someone on a bike. 

The segment was shot with a telescopic lens. On the standard DVD version, the figure looks more bigfoot-like and less human-like. When viewed on the Blue Ray the images are sharper and the figure looks more human.

Anyhow, listed below are several breakdowns of the video footage. Enjoy.


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."

TriDiver analysis :

Bigfoot Tony Breakdown :

Thinker Thunker interview with film maker :

Monday, November 5, 2018


One of the earliest reports officially made from Illinois was in the Carbondale, Illinois, Free Press, dated March 30, 1942.


Mt. Vernon, Ill. (AP) -- The mystery of Gun Creek bottoms is still a mystery. Not even 1500 Southern Illinois hunters could flush the mysterious animal with a 'wild cat's scream' and 'paws like a huge raccoon' yesterday although they combed the bottom with shotguns and rifles on the ready.

The object of the mass hunt was blamed last October for an attack on a squirrel-hunting Mount Vernon minister. Screams like those of wildcats have been reported heard frequently at night. The animal was declared responsible for the death of a dog and was said to make tracks similar to a raccoon 'but four times as large'. "

The creature was described in other places as "a large animal that looked something like a baboon" and also as "a half-man beast".

Sunday, November 4, 2018


A man bow-hunting deer took his place in his tree stand, located a couple miles from the Kickapoo State Park. Hunting was never the same for him after November 12, 2015.

It was nearing evening and dusk when he heard what appeared to be a deep growl and then screams coming from deep in the woods. As he sat there wondering what was going on, several frightened deer came running past where he was hidden, coming from the direction of the screams. He recovered enough to shoot at them, hitting one of the deer.

He waited a few minutes, not sure of those sounds, then dismounted the stand, ready to track the wounded deer. It was getting dark now as he continued down the hill. He called his father in law to come help him get the deer. His father in law explained he was at least an hour away from arriving home and would not be able to get there anytime soon. So the hunter continued on his own.

"As I started down a small hill I began hearing these noises again. It was as if I could feel these screaming growling noises in my body. I kept hearing what I thought may have been falling tree branches or something. I looked up on this hill side 30 yards from me and seen a silhouette of something huge. I quickly headed out of the woods and continued hearing the noises all the way out."

The hunter again called his father in law and told him of the encounter. The man laughed at his son in law reminding him that he had made fun of him when the father in law had told him of his encounter with something huge and making strange sounds.

The next day the hunter returned to the area with his father in law to look for the wounded deer. They were following the blood trail when it ended. With no deer in sight. They began looking around the area, but could find no further trace. Then a terrible odor began to fill the woods.

"A very strong pungent odor. Kind of a cross of something dead and the urine of many different types of animals."

It felt like they were being watched while they were out there. When the feelings became too intense, and the odor unbearable, they left. Without ever finding the deer.

In April, 2016, the hunter again returned to the wooded area, this time to gather mushrooms. He was having little luck. The forest around him was very quiet and he decided to call it a day. As he was heading out and had reached the edge of the woods at what they called the "grassy area", he made a discovery.

"A single foot print it was the left foot and was very large. The print was a good one very detailed you could see the toes and everything. I wear a size 13 and this print was way bigger than my foot."

As he paused to quickly take  a photo of the print, that smell surrounded him again and he hurried to leave. 

He reported his experiences to the BFRO (#55144) and posted the photo of the footprint. The investigator states the print was 18 inches long; 11 inches wide at the ball of the foot; 6 inches at the heel.

The hunter added that his brother in law will not talk about his own encounter in those same woods. He no longer hunts in that area.


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."