
Monday, October 15, 2018


"Bigfoot is a type of ape (the same colour as a gorila) usually found in dense forest. It is said to be related to the yeti, but dont get confused the yeti is a white or g...ray coloured ape that usually lives on snowy mountains or hillsides."

Ok. Yeah. Right. I used to love this website when it first came out all those many (many, many) years ago. It was like the internet's World Book Encyclopedia. Get an answer and get enough info to start searching. Their answers to your questions used to seem more thought out; written by someone who researched the answer and used citations and made certain only facts were given. Now it appears to be a mishmash of people who think they're clever giving stupid answers or who spend time looking over Facebook pages and posts just to locate a more stupid answer. And all without telling you who said it or why or how they reached those conclusions. Oh yes, and perhaps visited the local third class and had them answer the questions too. So, instead of writing a serious discussion on the colors of a sasquatch, we're going to have some fun with some of the questions answered, in their not-so-clever manner. In the middle of the page with under no particular question was this line : "dark brown to auburn brown to black to grey to white to orange" Perhaps bigfoot is the color of Halloween running lights? Hmmm. Then we have the question : What is Bigfoot? "Bigfoot is a popular myth who likes to eat human flesh and is said to be descended from a little boy who stayed in the woods and became a monster. However there are different Bigfoots, the Alaskan Bigfoot is c alled the yeti and hides in the Alaskan mountains. the Latin Bigfoot is c alled Acupacabra and eats other animals. a myth related to Bigfoot is c alled Sasquatch. that is all I know about Bigfoot." First, I have to say, school assignment. And I'm just shaking my head. Myth, no. Eats human flesh, no. [I know. I know. There are some of you who endorse the cannibal version of bigfoot.] Have never heard the story of the boy who becomes a bigfoot monster. Don't recall Alaska having yetis. And I love the renaming of the Chupacabra. Next answer to What is Bigfoot? "Bigfoot, is a creature like a gorilla except a little different. Lots of youtube videos are about finding bigfoot and so on. Also, bigfoot has no proof on whether or not he is real or not. I don't believe that his real because 1. all the videos look like like a person dressed up in a gorilla or yeti/bigfoot suit, and, 2. there has been no proof or real bigfoot. That is just my opinion, but I think you should decide what you want! Hope this helps!"
Well, shame on bigfoot. He doesn't have any proof that he is real or not. Well, if he's not real, why should he be proving anything? At least this one is polite enough and smart enough to tell us this is just his opinion. We should all be mindful that most of what we say about sasquatch is just our opinions. Now let's jump to another question : Where is bigfoot? "bigfoot: mostly middle America and Canada.(sasquatch)yeti: Himalayas In any state with sufficient forest, most of Canada except the maritimes and the flatlands of Ab and Sask, tho there are reports in mountains of both. There is no strong existence that bigfoot exists, so we unableto say where it came from evolutionarily." [For those wondering. Yes, I am leaving in all the punctuation, misspellings and misuse of words, etc. Quoting as I found it.] Well, Virginia, yes there are sasquatch in the "maritimes". Hate to burst your bubble. Got some research on reports in that area going on right now. As for Ab (Alberta ?) and Sask (Saskatchewan), well, yep. Sorry, reports from those places too. Evidence is where you look for it. If you don't accept it, you'll never have it. And now to the question : Who was Bigfoot?

"First answer Bigfoot, aka Sasquatch, is an enduring legend in the field of cryptozoology. All evidence has proved nothing, to date. Second answer Please see the related links below (join an expedition if you like) [links not provided, sorry] for more information: Wrong. evidence such as DNA from hair and blood and even saliva have pointed to an unkown to science primate. Thousands of footprints, some with dermal ridges have been found. This, coupled with thousands of credible witness sightings point to a not yet known to science forest primate. Third answer Bigfoot is a legendary humanoid creature said to inhabit the forested areas of the United States, most notably the northwest. Contrary to the claims made above, there is no DNA evidence. The paper that they are most likely referring to was self-published on a godaddy website that was created 9 days before the inaugural issue (consisting entirely of the piece in question). There is no evidence that it went through peer-review, and its conclusions have been panned by mainstream science. The author claims the DNA evidence shows Bigfoot is a human hybrid. However, analysis by other geneticists shows the samples were just contaminated bear hide. As for the footprints with dermal ridges, experiments have shown that these are simply artifacts from the casting process (i.e., prints used in hoaxes). The great number of people who have claimed to have seen Bigfoot is not reliable evidence for the creature's existence. All accounts vary to a large degree--the size ranges between 7 and 12 feet--and misidentification and just plain lying cannot be ruled out. It would be easy to confuse a bear walking bipedally with a Bigfoot. Tests of supposed Yeti hair from Asia turned out to be bear, so these creatures are probably mistaken for Bigfoots all of the time. There are numerous hoaxes that have been brought to light. Rick Dyer, a serial hoaxer, perpetrated hoaxes in 2008 and, most recently, 2013. Hoaxing is primarily done for monetary gain."
Wow. Ok. The entire one-sided history of sasquatch in a paragraph. And a prime example of only searching out and acknowledging the evidence that supports a certain theory and discarding anything that doesn't fit inside that narrow little mold. We don't get much for the next question: Who discovered bigfoot?
"There have been multiple sightings of bigfoot but no one knows if they're real or not." Question not answered. Cop out. First of all, bigfoot is not a country or a land to be discovered. But if we must assign someone the name of Sasquatch Discoverer, it would have to be the Native peoples. Here's a good one : How fast is bigfoot? "There was a video of Bigfoot running 7mph.. Who the heck has gotten a video of bigfoot running? If he did then we know that he is actually real. Why don't we have any evidence.. Some people are real idiots. Why do you care how fast bigfoot runs?" Well, there are many videos out there that many of us feel show a "real" sasquatch. Many of us know that he is actually real. We have evidence. We just aren't showing it to non-believers any more. Why do we care how fast bigfoot runs? Well, just on the off-chance that he may some day be running after one of us with the intention of actually catching us, we really would like to know how fast he can move. And yet another : Where is bigfoot now? "people say they have seen bigfoot from Alaska to Florida,also in every other continent.So he would be in basicly every part in the world.." Not much to fault there. Next question : Do bigfoot exist? "so many civilizations have described the same creature. so many artifacts have been crafted with the same carachteristics and proportions. This leads us to conclude that such a creature at least existed in the past.. When they find a gold neclace somewhere with a bigfoot on it and then potery thousands of miles away with the same figurine like style, it really makes me think it at least has existed as many other creatures humanity has proof of." Some deductive thinking going on there. On to the next one : What is the diet of Bigfoot? "Bigfoot can eat any thing that can fit down its throat and if not able to he will rip whatever he is trying to eat in to smaller pieces" Kind of says it all. I would add, whatever he wants to eat. And last, this question: How do you solve bigfoot? "To people that hunt bigfoot part of the mystery has been solved. Samples of hair, manure and saliva have been submitted for DNA analysis. The conculsion was 'a primate of unknown species that lies between human DNA and chimp DNA. There is also some very compelling plaster casts that because of the soil the footprint was left in made very clear ridges and whorals that when studied by a footprint expert. Once again, a bipedel primate of unknown species with commonalities of human and great ape footprints. Even with all this evidence, not to mention video and eyewitness accounts, there will be non-believers unless a body is found or possibly bones. Of course a live Bigfoot caught would be even better." How do we solve the puzzle of bigfoot, of sasquatch?
Everyday someone solves that riddle. They solve it for themselves. They either find that book or statement that makes them a believer or a skeptic. They have that encounter, or find that evidence that pushes them over from believer to knower. None of us can produce any evidence that will convince others to believe if they are determined to be that non-believer skeptic. None of us. No evidence. Nada. Zilch. And that's ok. It really is. It's human nature, after all. That healthy skepticism. It has kept our kind alive, despite the gullible, the easily-led of us. Skeptics can irritate, yes. But they also help us to do our job better. It should make us be more particular with what we accept as proof to our theories. It should make us take second and third looks at what we're producing. It should make us be the best we can. And not to try to convince them of anything. No. To make us better researchers. Nancy

"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."


  1. Well done Nancy! I often wonder why people feel that they have to be the disclosuries, what about the free will of beings to make their own disclosure. I think most people don’t realize that Sasquatch are highly advanced. Able to make their own life choices, not a bunch of primates but sentient high functioning beings.

  2. Nancy, It's well written and thought provoking. When I was in First Grade all my drawings of Dinosaurs were multicolored like birds. The teacher didn't think Dinosaurs were colorful and other kids made negative comments about my color selection. Guess what? Guess what color Dinosaurs are thought to be now? This is a good read. well thought out. Worth looking at again, and again. Because it causes you to think. It helps you to understand that no single person really knows what color Bigfoot is, or how tall Bigfoot is, or what Bigfoot eats. I guess we'll never know until we know!
