
Wednesday, October 24, 2018


I've got some fun for us today for sasquatch and bigfoot fans everywhere. It's suggested that we all can benefit from stress relief. And what better way to do so then by coloring. So grab your crayons and colored pencils everyone and print out some pictures and sit back and relax.

Hope you've enjoyed yourself.


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."

Thursday, October 18, 2018


In 2002 the U.S. military is alleged to have killed a giant. The government is said to have covered the story, trying to keep it secret from the world.

When I first started looking into this story, it seemed simple enough to begin with. But then, as the years began to pass and the story tellers changed, so to did the story. So first, the original [or as far as I can tell] story that came out.

In November, 2005, Steve Quayle reported that the U.S. military had discovered a giant in March of 2005 and it was transported to a secret base in Europe. It was said to have been 12 to 15 feet tall and had red hair and six fingers and six toes.

A second version came from Quayle which included finding an ancient tomb where a giant was buried among artifacts and weapons. His original claim of an email from an [anonymous] Air Force officer turned into a letter he was sent. Quayle then went on Coast to Coast in 2008 and produced an [anonymous] Air Force pilot who said he flew the body back to Ohio, not Europe.

In 2015, Quayle then claimed that the U.S. military has a top secret gigantology unit. An [anonymous] Air Force officer said he personally killed the giant, who now was described as only 9 to 12 feet tall.  After killing the giant, the officer than destroyed all evidence on government orders.

Then L.A. Marzulli stepped in with his version. His August 2016 video in which he claimed to have interviewed a military contractor or soldier who had witnessed the Giant of Kandahar "kill a soldier before being killed in turn by the troops." The body was then removed by an aircraft to be seen no more.

Marzulli calls the giant a Nephilim, but gives no details. He interviewed an "unknown man" at an "undisclosed location" on an "unknown date". He claimed that the interviewee said he shot and killed the giant but didn't give any specific details except to say it was a "remote" area in Afghanistan. The [anonymous] soldier said he and the others were sent to look for a missing patrol. They saw a red haired giant come out of a cave and "skewer" his friend "Dan" with a large blade.

The only service member with the first name of Dan or Daniel that is recorded as being killed in Kandahar in 2002 died with three other soldiers in an accident while clearing and disposing of explosives. The government further states that they have no reports of giants. They have no reports of an entire patrol disappearing in Afghanistan. They have no record of any such action or event taking place.

Descriptions of this giant also continued to evolve. He became 12 to 15 feet tall with a red beard, long red hair, and had six fingers and six toes. And he was further described as a "cannibalistic giant".

And the story gains more details. The unit searching for the missing troop [or said to be searching for the giant] was making its way along a goat path near a cave. They came upon an unusual pattern of rocks and bones and a broken piece of communications equipment used by the U.S. military. While looking at this scene, they are surprised by a 12 to 15 foot tall man with long red hair who emerges from the cave and skewers "Dan" with a pike-like weapon. The remainder of the team then opens fire, repeatedly shooting the giant in the face until he finally died. The entire incident took only 30 seconds. 

A helicopter is sent in to remove the body. "It was too big we couldn't move it. It smelled, worse than a skunk -- a corpse that's been around for a while. The communication was sent out that we had a very large, possibly human creature." [anonymous soldier]

The soldiers were told to rewrite their after-action reports. "So we had to rewrite it the way they wanted it." [anonymous soldier]

And the quotes from anonymous soldiers continued via Marzulli.

"We started hearing a rumor about a unit that killed what they were calling a really tall person. At first I didn't think anything of it. I come to find out that the person they killed was actually three times the size of a man, had extra digits on their hands, and on their feet, and had red hair. A special unit had come and wanted this target. We'd heard they'd killed this thing inside a cave or the mouth of a cave."

"There was common knowledge among the military to hear this. Years later I came to find out I had returned from Afghanistan and had met other military members that had not been in the operations with me. If you would bring up the Giant of Kandahar they'd know about it."

He agreed the story sounded ridiculous. "At first you think, this has got to be a joke, this has got to be [sic] hoax. Then after things go down a certain way, and you keep hearing it, you start to realize it's not a joke. They kept telling us to keep our weapons high, which means normally you are ready to put two in the chest on [sic]in the head, but they kept telling us to put it towards a man's head and put it higher. So we would question why do they want us to shoot higher than a man's head?"

"We would hear the locals talk about rumors of these giants. They said they would live in the caves and they would eat people. They were cannibals. At the time, we compared it to tales of Bigfoot in the United States, every culture has this kind of folklore. To actually all of a sudden hear that a military unit had killed something though. . . "

This alleged incident reminds me of the story from 1925 involving Major General Mikhail Stephanovitch Topilski in the Pamir Mountains. There too are several versions of what happened. But all involve the shooting of a gigantic man as he emerges from a cave. You can read the full story in my post from May 20, 2018. [see link below]

Link to the Marzulli video :

And another video on the subject :

Steve Quayle also published a report and photo alleging the discovery of a giant tomb, 28 ft. long. The Air Force sergeant in the photo is said to be holding the giant's turban. The body "was flown to a secret military base in Europe."

Colonel Haygood, USAF, stated "it looks as if it was taken in the late 50's to mid 60's. That is the old tan AF uniform." The photo is black and white.

Dave Smith is reported to have had this to say about the photo :

"The photo that you have of the sergeant holding the Giant's turban is my father. The photo was taken in the basement of a mosque in Ephesus around 1963, and is real. I have only allowed Steve Quayle to use that photo and some nut has falsely connected it to Afghanistan. My father died 11/25/67 and has no connection with any officer in this century . . . I only let Steve scan the original photo and gave him permission to use it. I have only seen him use it in one web page I believe. I didn't want this kind of criticism to be a result of someone making false claims about my Dad's integrity. I have seen the photo on one other web page but they have never responded to my unhappiness with the misuse of the photo. . . "

So we come round circle. Is it true? Is it false? There is no hard evidence either for or against. I'm certain somewhere I left out a part of someone's version which makes it all more exciting. But I hope I managed to capture the essence of the tale.


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."

Some sources included : interviews with L.A. Marzulli; Steve Quayle; True Free Thinker, Ken Ammi; World Net Daily [].

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


It was around half past midnight when a retired police officer almost struck down an enormous creature.

He was traveling north on K 7/US 73 on the western edge of Kansas City on February 10, 2015. As he reached the Leavenworth/Wyandotte County line when a very large "animal" darted across the road in front of his car. He was in the passing lane going between 65 and 70 miles an hour when the creature ran at a diagonal angle going east to west. Unable to stop the car due to a vehicle following behind, he was only able to catch a quick glimpse of the creature as he drove past. The headlights did light up the creature though.

The creature ran on two feet, which eliminated the possibility of it being a large horse or elk. The tail bone of it was about even to the middle of the driver's side window of the witness's Ford Focus. With that information, he estimated the height at around 9 feet, weight between 600-700 lbs. Although passing within six feet of the creature, the witness was unable to see either the face or upper part of the body. He was able to see only the rear side of it.

The hair looked to be around 2-3 inches long and was "flapping" as it ran. The color seemed to be "darker than tan, but lighter than brown". The witness described it as more of a "dirty blond". He was struck by the color and the texture of the hair. The hair appeared to also have some "wave" to it, not just lying flat.

The area where the sighting took place was then a rural area with some ponds and a few creeks running through it. Surrounding farmland and fields also contained stretches of wooded areas, which also supported a substantial deer population and wild turkeys.


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."

Monday, October 15, 2018


"Bigfoot is a type of ape (the same colour as a gorila) usually found in dense forest. It is said to be related to the yeti, but dont get confused the yeti is a white or g...ray coloured ape that usually lives on snowy mountains or hillsides."

Ok. Yeah. Right. I used to love this website when it first came out all those many (many, many) years ago. It was like the internet's World Book Encyclopedia. Get an answer and get enough info to start searching. Their answers to your questions used to seem more thought out; written by someone who researched the answer and used citations and made certain only facts were given. Now it appears to be a mishmash of people who think they're clever giving stupid answers or who spend time looking over Facebook pages and posts just to locate a more stupid answer. And all without telling you who said it or why or how they reached those conclusions. Oh yes, and perhaps visited the local third class and had them answer the questions too. So, instead of writing a serious discussion on the colors of a sasquatch, we're going to have some fun with some of the questions answered, in their not-so-clever manner. In the middle of the page with under no particular question was this line : "dark brown to auburn brown to black to grey to white to orange" Perhaps bigfoot is the color of Halloween running lights? Hmmm. Then we have the question : What is Bigfoot? "Bigfoot is a popular myth who likes to eat human flesh and is said to be descended from a little boy who stayed in the woods and became a monster. However there are different Bigfoots, the Alaskan Bigfoot is c alled the yeti and hides in the Alaskan mountains. the Latin Bigfoot is c alled Acupacabra and eats other animals. a myth related to Bigfoot is c alled Sasquatch. that is all I know about Bigfoot." First, I have to say, school assignment. And I'm just shaking my head. Myth, no. Eats human flesh, no. [I know. I know. There are some of you who endorse the cannibal version of bigfoot.] Have never heard the story of the boy who becomes a bigfoot monster. Don't recall Alaska having yetis. And I love the renaming of the Chupacabra. Next answer to What is Bigfoot? "Bigfoot, is a creature like a gorilla except a little different. Lots of youtube videos are about finding bigfoot and so on. Also, bigfoot has no proof on whether or not he is real or not. I don't believe that his real because 1. all the videos look like like a person dressed up in a gorilla or yeti/bigfoot suit, and, 2. there has been no proof or real bigfoot. That is just my opinion, but I think you should decide what you want! Hope this helps!"
Well, shame on bigfoot. He doesn't have any proof that he is real or not. Well, if he's not real, why should he be proving anything? At least this one is polite enough and smart enough to tell us this is just his opinion. We should all be mindful that most of what we say about sasquatch is just our opinions. Now let's jump to another question : Where is bigfoot? "bigfoot: mostly middle America and Canada.(sasquatch)yeti: Himalayas In any state with sufficient forest, most of Canada except the maritimes and the flatlands of Ab and Sask, tho there are reports in mountains of both. There is no strong existence that bigfoot exists, so we unableto say where it came from evolutionarily." [For those wondering. Yes, I am leaving in all the punctuation, misspellings and misuse of words, etc. Quoting as I found it.] Well, Virginia, yes there are sasquatch in the "maritimes". Hate to burst your bubble. Got some research on reports in that area going on right now. As for Ab (Alberta ?) and Sask (Saskatchewan), well, yep. Sorry, reports from those places too. Evidence is where you look for it. If you don't accept it, you'll never have it. And now to the question : Who was Bigfoot?

"First answer Bigfoot, aka Sasquatch, is an enduring legend in the field of cryptozoology. All evidence has proved nothing, to date. Second answer Please see the related links below (join an expedition if you like) [links not provided, sorry] for more information: Wrong. evidence such as DNA from hair and blood and even saliva have pointed to an unkown to science primate. Thousands of footprints, some with dermal ridges have been found. This, coupled with thousands of credible witness sightings point to a not yet known to science forest primate. Third answer Bigfoot is a legendary humanoid creature said to inhabit the forested areas of the United States, most notably the northwest. Contrary to the claims made above, there is no DNA evidence. The paper that they are most likely referring to was self-published on a godaddy website that was created 9 days before the inaugural issue (consisting entirely of the piece in question). There is no evidence that it went through peer-review, and its conclusions have been panned by mainstream science. The author claims the DNA evidence shows Bigfoot is a human hybrid. However, analysis by other geneticists shows the samples were just contaminated bear hide. As for the footprints with dermal ridges, experiments have shown that these are simply artifacts from the casting process (i.e., prints used in hoaxes). The great number of people who have claimed to have seen Bigfoot is not reliable evidence for the creature's existence. All accounts vary to a large degree--the size ranges between 7 and 12 feet--and misidentification and just plain lying cannot be ruled out. It would be easy to confuse a bear walking bipedally with a Bigfoot. Tests of supposed Yeti hair from Asia turned out to be bear, so these creatures are probably mistaken for Bigfoots all of the time. There are numerous hoaxes that have been brought to light. Rick Dyer, a serial hoaxer, perpetrated hoaxes in 2008 and, most recently, 2013. Hoaxing is primarily done for monetary gain."
Wow. Ok. The entire one-sided history of sasquatch in a paragraph. And a prime example of only searching out and acknowledging the evidence that supports a certain theory and discarding anything that doesn't fit inside that narrow little mold. We don't get much for the next question: Who discovered bigfoot?
"There have been multiple sightings of bigfoot but no one knows if they're real or not." Question not answered. Cop out. First of all, bigfoot is not a country or a land to be discovered. But if we must assign someone the name of Sasquatch Discoverer, it would have to be the Native peoples. Here's a good one : How fast is bigfoot? "There was a video of Bigfoot running 7mph.. Who the heck has gotten a video of bigfoot running? If he did then we know that he is actually real. Why don't we have any evidence.. Some people are real idiots. Why do you care how fast bigfoot runs?" Well, there are many videos out there that many of us feel show a "real" sasquatch. Many of us know that he is actually real. We have evidence. We just aren't showing it to non-believers any more. Why do we care how fast bigfoot runs? Well, just on the off-chance that he may some day be running after one of us with the intention of actually catching us, we really would like to know how fast he can move. And yet another : Where is bigfoot now? "people say they have seen bigfoot from Alaska to Florida,also in every other continent.So he would be in basicly every part in the world.." Not much to fault there. Next question : Do bigfoot exist? "so many civilizations have described the same creature. so many artifacts have been crafted with the same carachteristics and proportions. This leads us to conclude that such a creature at least existed in the past.. When they find a gold neclace somewhere with a bigfoot on it and then potery thousands of miles away with the same figurine like style, it really makes me think it at least has existed as many other creatures humanity has proof of." Some deductive thinking going on there. On to the next one : What is the diet of Bigfoot? "Bigfoot can eat any thing that can fit down its throat and if not able to he will rip whatever he is trying to eat in to smaller pieces" Kind of says it all. I would add, whatever he wants to eat. And last, this question: How do you solve bigfoot? "To people that hunt bigfoot part of the mystery has been solved. Samples of hair, manure and saliva have been submitted for DNA analysis. The conculsion was 'a primate of unknown species that lies between human DNA and chimp DNA. There is also some very compelling plaster casts that because of the soil the footprint was left in made very clear ridges and whorals that when studied by a footprint expert. Once again, a bipedel primate of unknown species with commonalities of human and great ape footprints. Even with all this evidence, not to mention video and eyewitness accounts, there will be non-believers unless a body is found or possibly bones. Of course a live Bigfoot caught would be even better." How do we solve the puzzle of bigfoot, of sasquatch?
Everyday someone solves that riddle. They solve it for themselves. They either find that book or statement that makes them a believer or a skeptic. They have that encounter, or find that evidence that pushes them over from believer to knower. None of us can produce any evidence that will convince others to believe if they are determined to be that non-believer skeptic. None of us. No evidence. Nada. Zilch. And that's ok. It really is. It's human nature, after all. That healthy skepticism. It has kept our kind alive, despite the gullible, the easily-led of us. Skeptics can irritate, yes. But they also help us to do our job better. It should make us be more particular with what we accept as proof to our theories. It should make us take second and third looks at what we're producing. It should make us be the best we can. And not to try to convince them of anything. No. To make us better researchers. Nancy

"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."

Thursday, October 11, 2018


"I went from zero belief that night to one hundred per cent believing in Bigfoot. It's ridiculous to say, but, after that night, we don't know how else to explain it or what to say." : Wil Neill

In the early morning of September 16, 2016, the two Marine reservists entered the southwest corner of the Waterloo State Recreation Area in Michigan and set up camp for the night. What would happen in a few hours would change their lives.

Tyler Kroetsch, age 20, and Wil Neill, age 23, arrived at the location at around 11:30 p.m. and had the camp set up by 12:30. This was to be an overnight camping/hunting trip. It was around 2 a.m. when they were woken. At first they were conscious of how cold it was but fell silent as they heard footsteps approaching their camp. When the intruder got within 20 ft. of them, they heard two distinct 4 second long screams. And then something took off fast with heavy, bipedal steps, running through the trees. Both knew it was not a four footed run. And by the sound of the crashing through the woods they knew it was something big.

Said Neill : "You could hear each step. It stopped almost directly in front of me, about 20 feet away, off to my right, and then it screamed two times. After that, we freaked out."

Kroetsch described the screams as the most "loud, freakiest, inhuman yell/scream/ roar" that he had ever heard coming from something that walked on two feet. "The only remotely close animal I've heard make this sound are mountain lions and cougars." He added, "There's a lot of animals that scream -- foxes, deer, coyotes -- but nothing that runs the way that we heard it run through these woods. I really have no idea. I'm not going to say outright that this was Bigfoot; I still don't want to jump to conclusions."

He also said the sound of the footsteps resembled a "fully grown man running through the woods". Only this was  in knee-high foliage, with large trees and branches everywhere which would be incredibly difficult for a person to navigate in early morning darkness." It'd be hard for a normal person to run through it without falling pretty much. But to this day, we both don't know exactly what it was."

One thing was clear. When the creature crashed off into the woods, the two took no chances. They spent the remainder of the night sleeping in their car. When the sun came up they investigated around their camp but were unable to find any tracks.  Neither of the men were strangers to the woods and to wildlife.

They did not see what their visitor was, but they did not stop searching for answers. In their quest, they found videos on the internet of Bigfoot calls and sounds. Said Neill : "The more and more we looked into it, it just really confirmed our belief that we were within 20 to 25 feet of this thing When we heard that same sound later . . .  the hair on the back of my neck stood up and I freaked."

Although the two never made an official report with the park, Russ Mason , chief of the Wildlife division of Michigan's Department of Natural Resources had the following statement to make :

"It could've been a raccoon, a house cat, any number of things. It's that time of year when animals are out and about bothering each other. The world is wondrous place; some people think it's more than others, I guess."

Uh huh. Ok, then. Good one, Russ Mason. SMH. I don't know what invaded the camp of those two. But I do know it was probably not a raccoon or a house cat bothering each other. 

"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."

Monday, October 8, 2018


Let me make this clear. This post is about her reported encounter while hiking with her daughters. This is not about the court case.

On March 27, 2017 Claudia Ackley and her two daughters [11 and 14 years of age] were hiking a winding trail in Lake Arrowhead. It was dusk, between 6:30 and 7:00 pm. The daughters were several yards ahead of her when they suddenly stopped, staring into the trees. Ackley ran to join them,  to see the same thing : A large, shadowy figure braced in a pine tree.

"I ran into a sasquatch -- a bigfoot. We were face to face. He was 30 feet up in a tree." She described it as barrel-chested, with a head three times the size of a human's. It appeared to weight about 800 pounds.

"He looked like a Neanderthal man with hair all over him. He had solid black eyes. He had no expression on his face at all. He did not show his teeth. He just stared at the three of us." She made a whoop sound and the creature in the tree began swaying back and forth. Ackley told her daughters to turn and start to walk slowly away. Later the youngest daughter [who shot the video on her phone] told her mother that there were two similar creatures on the ground who ran away as they approached.

You can view her original video at this link :

Here is a link to an enhanced and stabilized breakdown of the video :

When Ackley told forest rangers what they had witnessed along the trail, she was told that they had seen a bear. Ackley, a 20+ year bigfoot researcher, continues to disagree with their explanation.

Two stills taken from the video. The second shows where the sasquatch was up in the tree via a red circle for clarity.


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."

all photos are stills from the videos.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


"If it's a person, they are either a moron or completely insane. They are walking, swimming and diving in an area where there are hundreds of 12 foot gators and water moccasins everywhere. I was there watching it for a while. Seemed to notice me and walked toward deeper water. It went underwater and vanished. Paddled up there and it was nowhere to be seen."

So said Matthew McKamey after his encounter with a strange creature in Lettuce Lake Park in Florida.  He and a friend had gone out in a canoe and paddled down one of the many swampy inlets off the lake. It was around 1 p.m. when they heard a noise and saw some tree movement. Thinking it was a bear, McKamey grabbed his phone and started to film it. 

"Initially, it was exciting and it was like, 'Oh, is that a bear? That's pretty cool. When we moved up closer, it started to look less and less like a bear. That's the point where I decided to start filming. In that moment, I was looking at it and getting a little freaked out, especially once it started really moving," said McKamey.  "You could tell he was slapping the water and it looked like maybe he was grabbing something. At the time, I was just thinking, 'Holy s***, what the h*** is this?' By the time it walked off, my buddy was just like, 'Let's go! Let's go now!'"

At one point during the video, his friend moved a paddle which caused some noise and seemed to gain the attention of the creature. Explained McKamey, "I don't know if it was coincidence that it started moving because of the noise, but it seemed to know that we were there. Where the video cut off is basically where I stopped taping. We wanted to leave and I couldn't do both video and row."

Watch his video here :

McKamey later approached a park ranger and told her about the encounter with the "bear". "I told a park ranger about it and she said that bears don't generally get into the swamp and that there were never many sightings in general." He then showed her the video and she told him she did not know what the creature was in the video.

He then sent the video to the Huffington Post and Bigfoot Evidence, who in turn submitted it to Phil Poling of ParaBreakdown.

Said Poling : "There are many inside the paranormal community who are frankly tired of the senseless hoaxing going on, primarily because hoaxing tends to cause validation for the cynics and skeptics."

What does he have to say about McKamey's video ? : "The mannerisms of the subject appear to be very apelike in its behavior -- [the way] it dips its hand down into the water and brings it up. We don't know if it's drinking or washing. Its movements seem rather fluid. Some people who have seen the video have remarked that it looked like it may have had a tail, and others have mentioned that it could be a snake it was holding. But it's hard to tell, mainly because it's dark, afternoon lighting and we're looking almost directly into the sun with a lot of lens flare or glare going on. As it leaves, it doesn't seem to be upset or angry or anything. It doesn't run away, it just casually walks away, and this is something that many people who have encountered Bigfoot reported seeing -- that the subject would see them and then simply just wander off."

Poling's stabilized version of the video :

After his examination of the video, Poling wasn't really convinced that this was a hoax created by McKamey. "I came away from this with a distinct impression that I have no idea what it is. It could be a guy in a costume or it could be the real thing. I do not know. [He] sent the original copy to Bigfoot Evidence, not asking for anything in return. Why would someone take all of this time, effort and danger just to give the video away anonymously?"

McKamey stated that he and his friend would not be going into the swamp to look for the creature. In fact, his friend was so frightened by the experience that he would not discuss the episode. Said McKamey : "Thinking back to what we saw, I think there's a good chance that we actually saw a Skunk Ape or Bigfoot or whatever you want to call it. It was not a bear, I know that. It wasn't human. It's like a once-in-a-lifetime experience. To have been where we were, when we were, the likelihood of it happening again, I'm highly skeptical. I'm fairly thankful that it decided to go the other way."

The local BFRO group was unable to debunk the encounter based on the facts and evidence presented. They were accused at the time of then attacking the McKamey personally. They also released the identity of the witness making the report who had wanted to remain anonymous. They also falsely identified the friend who was with McKamey based only on the fact that they had been friends and in a band together over 3 years before the sighting. This resulted in them being hounded by press and researchers. 
It has been unofficially stated that forest rangers for Lettuce Lake Park have seen this or a similar creature on multiple occasions.

"I never put much faith in the old Skunk Ape legends but when I looked closer I noticed that it had long, swinging arms and moved through very thick swamp with ease. Certainly can't explain it myself." -- Matthew McKamey

Stabilized version of the video from another source :

For those who want more, a breakdown by Bigfoot Tony :


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."