
Saturday, August 18, 2018


The most recent sighting in Whitehall, New York, got people remembering the time the cop saw the bigfoot. Seems more than one police officer had an encounter. There are three who shared their experiences publicly. Many never have shared what they saw or heard.

It was in 1977 when Officer Delano Berube had his run in with sasquatch. He had set up his radar to monitor traffic along Ryder Road, about a mile south of Tub Mountain. Being early morning, there was not much traffic. A light rain was falling, so Berube had his window cracked instead of wide open.

"That is when I first heard the screaming. Sounded like a wild animal and one of those ladies in the horror pictures," he recounted. "I shut off the engine to get a better bead on the direction of the screams and was just about to radio it in, when the bushes a few feet in front of my cruiser shook like we were in a terrible winter storm, unnatural like. Especially, since there was hardly a breeze that morning."

Berube needed to get a better look. "I turned on my headlights and that must have startled it. Because out from the bush, stepping right on to the road, was an 8 foot hairy creature. The life I lead flashed before my eyes when we two locked gazes. It was pure evil, I could feel its chilly soul in that hungry gaze. If you remember, I had switched off my cruiser, which I realized when the beast started toward me. In a pure moment of training, I flipped on the overhead cherries and siren. The Bigfoot stopped dead in the road. It threw its hands up over its ears. Then turned its left shoulder down, just like a running back would the moment of a hand off. 

"I knew it planned on ramming right into my cruiser, but its pause was just enough time for me start the car and throw her into drive. I peeled out. Just as the creature was about to shoulder into my hood, I took an evasive maneuver and the **** thing hit the side of the car instead. Banged it up good. Had to replace the door, in fact. I half expected the car to flip, but it kept going. The creature took chase, it was fast enough to stay about three car lengths behind me. Grunting and growling the whole time. It finally broke off when I crossed over Wood Creek. ****ed thing just stopped and screeched bloody murder."

The officer's story was not believed by very many of his fellow officers. The repairs needed for his cruiser were docked from his pay.

His story is highly colored and is taken from his relating it to a conference group. Tends to make me think that perhaps there might have been a little "color" added to make the story "good".  Sadly, no further description of the creature is given beyond being hairy and overly aggressive. 

The next story is one that was mentioned in the comments in one of the groups. The story of Dan Gordon. 

In February, 1982, Dan Gordon and his partner were making their rounds when they had an extraordinary experience. It was around 4:30 am while driving on Route 22,  when it happened. A tall hairy creature dashed across the road and up a steep embankment at the base of the mountain. Although the officers reported the incident, they kept their identities secret, fearing being ridiculed.

In 2005, Dan Gordon decided to go public. And he provided further details. The creature had narrow shoulders, was "lanky", and was between 7 1/2 to 8 ft. tall. It was covered in "dirty, mangy, dark brown fur." Gordon was convinced that it wasn't someone playing a joke. When questioned further on that statement, he said:

"There is no way in hell that I could believe this was a man in a fur suit..."

He continued to describe what he saw. He said it looked like an ape with poor posture because it was slouched. The arms were long and swung back and forth with each huge stride. The speed at which it moved was "remarkable" and he added "a relay runner would have trouble keeping up with [it]."

Gordon got out of his car and had tried following the creature. The second officer felt no need to leave the car and was "content to watch the proceedings from afar."

Don Gordon passed away in January of 2014.

Next post : Whitehall Police Officer Brian Gosselin's encounter


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it, is up to you."

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