
Monday, August 20, 2018


This experience falls under the "be careful what you wish for" category for an Ohio couple. The event is said to have taken place on a road running between Arlington and Findlay, Ohio on July 5, 2018.

"I had been doing research and watching videos on YouTube about Bigfoot for about a week and I found it very interesting. I told my wife just about everything I learned and she said she would like to try to go find one at some point," related the husband.

He shared the conversation with a friend at work who told him how he knew a guy who went out regularly to go looking for bigfoot. And that the man even did night searching. The friend had apparently gone once with the researcher and having heard growling like nothing he had ever heard before, decided that he would never go out looking for bigfoot again. He was much too scared.

Armed with the information that his work buddy shared, the husband and his wife began to make plans. They decided that after watching a local fireworks display that they would go out and look for bigfoot. 

After the fireworks were over, they gathered their "bait", some hotdogs and a raw chicken and set out on their adventure. The couple were about half way to the next town when they spotted a deer, and less than 50 yards away from it on the other side of the road was a big black figure. They watched as it dropped to all fours and hurry into the cornfield next to it. The glimpse was so quick, all they could make out were bright yellow eyes.

The husband continued to drive past and into the town where he turned around and headed back. He drove past the cornfield where they had seen the figure, then turned around again and stopped near the spot. Rolling down his window, he noticed how quiet it was for a warm summer night in the country. No crickets, no night bird sounds, just dead quiet.

Taking the hotdogs and chicken, he dumped the meat on the ground outside the car and they sat quietly for a moment. Although the wife wanted to wait longer, the husband realized that staying was not a good idea. He disliked how quiet it was and was nervous about sitting in a black car, parked on the side of a highway, that passing motorists might not see until too late to avoid hitting it. He also realized that if they wanted to have a chance to see a bigfoot, they would need to leave to give it a chance to approach the meat. They would come back later.

Driving back into the town, they again turned around and headed back towards the cornfield. It was less than ten minutes before they returned. The husband was looking for the meat while his wife scanned the fields. Both were certain the meat would still be there, with maybe a small scavenger eating it. As they approached the area, the husband was surprised to see only small pieces of the feast left. His wife found the one eating it.

She saw a huge black figure with amber glowing eyes standing upright in the cornfield eating the meat that they had left. The two made eye contact for a few seconds, then the bigfoot ducked down into the corn. They could still see the eyes shining through the corn stalks.

Unnerved, the wife shouted, "Get us the heck out of here!" The husband hit the gas and they sped back home.


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."

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