
Wednesday, August 1, 2018

MCDOWELL COUNTY ENCOUNTER by Bigfoot 911 in North Carolina

It was "a large bipedal animal covered in hair."

Just before 11 pm Friday, August 3, 2017, eight members of Bigfoot 911, had a sasquatch encounter. It took place in a forest area in McDowell County in North Carolina, 100 miles northwest of Charlotte.

The group was divided into teams and were scattering glow sticks in the woods. They were operating on the theory that sasquatch are intriqued by the light given off by them and will come to investigate them.

"... we began hearing movement off to our right maybe 3 steps at a time, there was a glow stick about 30 yards from where we were . . .  "  The group heard a whistle and John Bruner glanced towards the glow stick. He saw it disappear from view and then reappear.

“The angle of the moon was shining straight down on the road and something big stepped into view,” he posted. “I turned my headlamp on and I saw a large bi-pedal animal covered in hair…” It took a step into the woods and Bruner took off after it into the trees. He went in about 50 yards and hearing nothing, stopped to look around. He shone his light around and there it was.

“It was standing 30 yards to my right with its right hand on a tree that had been broken off 9 feet above the ground,”  he reported. “Its face was solid black (with) no hair on it, the hair looked shaggy all over…”

Bruner said. And then it left, running off. Bruner described it as the best sighting he's had in years of searching. "I was able to see details of the creature . . . like the face, and the hair was matted and stringy. The eyes were farther apart than human eyes." He added that the hair looked matted and the face appeared to be leathery. The arms seemed to be very long; one of them hung down below the waist.

After a few seconds, it turned and took five steps, reaching the bottom of the hill. Bruner said he could see the muscles flexing with each step. "We tracked it as far as we could (and) never saw anything else." On their way out of the woods, something kept throwing rocks at them. The group did find some partial prints but they were not good enough for casting.

Bruner said that he wasn't scared by the close encounter. He was just more interested in getting that closer look. "I know it was my chance to see it up close," he said. "It didn't appear aggressive. We had eye contact for 5 to 10 seconds." He added that he did not notice any odor like reported in some encounters.

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