
Tuesday, July 24, 2018


artist version of sasquatch crossing road at night.
not based on this  report

In December 2017, a man saw a figure in his headlights as it crossed the road in front of him.

The witness was headed home from visiting with his father-in-law when his headlights suddenly illuminated a figure crossing the road. The headlights clearly showed him the legs of the being. He clearly saw the calves and large feet. The upper torso was shadowed but he could make out a large, mammal-like shape. He estimated it to be 7 1/2 to 8 ft. tall, about 3 ft wide and maybe 500 pounds.

The long arms seemed to reach almost to the knees; the arms swung as the shape used only four steps to cross the two-lane highway. The witness could also make out long, black matted hair on the figure. He also conjectured that it was moving between the river and the forest which the highway passed between.

The terrain is hilly and heavily forested. There is abundant wildlife in forest, field and stream. The witness was unclear if there are any caves in the area but stated that there were numerous abandoned farm buildings throughout the area.

The witness on another occasion, while hunting near Onamia, Minnesota at a wildlife management area, also near Rice, came across some footprints that he believed unusual. He found two of them. One was on a hard packed trail and was barely visible. The second was in soft sand and was about 42 inches away from the first. It measured 15 inches long and 6 inches wide, 3/4 of an inch deep, with visible toes. [BFRO investigators thought this might be a bear track].

photo courtesy of witness and BFRO
report # 58895

The witness also talked of the vocals and sounds that he had been hearing for over a year from his house. The house is in a remote location outside of Rice. Among the sounds have been howls, growls, knocks, and even chatter. The woods are only 45 yards from his patio.

A last note : the witness is an outdoorsman and is familar with the tracks and calls of the known animals in the area.


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."

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