
Wednesday, June 27, 2018

SONNY VATOR -- HOAXER ?? -- The Canadian trapper video

This is an update on my original post on Sonny Vator. Updated material is at the end. Thank you.

There is a video that has been making it's way around the internet these past couple months. While I usually keep an open mind, this one is hard to swallow and I will not keep silent.

When I first saw the "Canadian Trapper" video, as it is popularly being called, I saw several red flags.  The zooming in and out on the alleged sasquatch and the panicked running of the trapper when the sasquatch appears to be just standing there behind a tree at quite some distance from the guy.  The face looks frozen and quite similar to the Chewbecca masks  -- of which there are several different versions on the market. Then there is the alleged child being clutched by this "mama" sasquatch. Frozen in fear. Fear of what?  Neither face moves, not even a blink. The entire thing screams FAKE.

So I decided to investigate this Sonny Vator. First stop was of course, Youtube. Back to that in a moment. Second stop was Google+. And there he was.

Listed are several videos, all now unavailable through his Google+ account.

"Cowboy Redneck's cousin gets attacked by Wild Dog"
"Bad day for Redneck Cowboy"
"Wild Child lives to ride again" - January 28, 2017
"Bigfoot attack part 3"  - June 18, 2017
"Bigfoot attack part 2"  - May 7, 2017

Now, on April 10, 2013 Vator posted a 10 minute "Blair Witch" styled video of a man named "Frank"  [Frank Wildchild, of the Wildchild video series fame?] who gets "attacked" by a bigfoot. This is most likely the "Bigfoot attack part 1" video of the series.  Then just two months ago, 5 years later, he produced part 2 of the "attack" where Frank wakes up inside a bigfoot "shelter". Now, while supposedly being terrified for his life, he sits around and stands around filming this "shelter" for about 3 and 1/2 minutes. Three and one half minutes. 

Then he finally wanders away from the shelter.  Somehow, he stumbles upon "Dan's" bag which holds a flare gun. ( The opening credits tells us that Dan is dead, having been allegedly murdered by the alleged sasquatch). For no apparent reason, Frank manages to load the gun and fires off the flare. And then doesn't stay in the area. Which one would assume he would do if he was trying to signal for help.

Frank continues to wander and eventually arrives at what is presented to be a sasquatch grave. A structure of wood covered with more of the skeletons and skulls (like the structure Frank woke up in). There is some sort of hairy creature lying there covered by what looks to be pelts of animals, like what one would buy in a store, or what Hollywood might use. He then spends over 3 minutes filming this, focusing on everything BUT THE BODY of the alleged sasquatch.


The film ends with more of the grunting sounds and wood knocks or branches breaking that the film began with and the screen goes black. With part 3 promised to come soon.

The descrepancy in dates revealed in the postings is a red flag.
The style of filming - ala Blair Witch -- is a red flag.
The history of types of videos made is a red flag.

Come on, people. This guy Sonny Vator is having a good time with all of you. He is making up stories and filming them. And not even doing a good job of it. He is making up stories and filming them. These are NOT REAL events. THEY ARE FICTION.


Now, there is absolutely no problem with someone making up stories and even filming them. However, I feel there is an ethical and moral obligation to state that fact. There are other places that present videos that are not fact. They tell you. Campfire stories. Stories based on reported experiences.

Professor Moody said it best in the Harry Potter books :


Investigate claims. Try to know the person. Discard blind faith. Keep an open mind.

As for Sonny Vator and his "Attack Bigfoot", my mind is made up. His videos are fiction. And if he presents them as fact, then he is a hoaxer.


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."

UPDATE : Bigfoot attack part 1

Blair Witch. Just to give a couple highlights. Ok. So Frank stops to tell us that he is being stalked by "it". He finally stops to confront his stalker. He is afraid. He gets his rifle ready. BUT he doesn't forget to set up his camera to film it. And when the alleged bigfoot finally attacks him, it so obligingly takes the camera with Frank. How considerate. Beautiful ala Blair Witch ending to this segment.

bigfoot attack part 2

Well, I can see why the original video was taken down. From a daylight event, it has now turned into a nighttime horror film.  He has added snapped off trees and an x on the ground. He's kept the funeral platform but now calls it a young male. We are shown a bit of the body but still no facial features. The fake bones are still there. This time the "brave" trapper Frank Wildchild creeps up and with his knife cuts off some of the bigfoot's hair. 

Here's a thought. If bigfoot really lay their dead out on elevated platforms in the forest, why haven't any of the rest of us come across one? And if they think enough of their dead to place them in honor, why leave them exposed to the elements and to be eaten by animals? 

If they build shelters, why are they not taller so that they do not have to crawl to get inside? Why would bigfoot leave bones and rotting carcasses all over inside and outside and on top of their shelters? Why is there no footage of bigfoot tracks? Why is the snow undisturbed in front of the shelters except for Wildchild's tracks? 

And, last but not least, where the heck did he get that battery?  Man, it lasted so long and in the cold. We all want to get that camera and battery. Just saying.

Anyhow, all his previous videos appear to be gone except for 6. These two, two other's by the "Trapper" and the 6th telling you of a gun that's a good bigfoot gun. Guess the Trapper didn't have that one with him? 

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