Thursday, June 7, 2018


Some sasquatch seem very savvy where roadways and cars are concerned. And then are others that either don't care or are unaware.

It was mid-January in 1973 when a truck driver hauling a load of logs took a curve on the road to Eureka and hit something big. He was traveling about 40-45 mph, around 7:30 pm when a creature with reddish, brown hair stepped out into the road. It was standing on the side and seemed to be unaware of the oncoming truck when it started walking. The truck hit the 6 1/2 to 7 ft tall creature, and swerved off to the left shoulder of the road. The driver could hear nothing over the noise of the engine. He was sure he had not hit a bear.

For some reason, he continued down the road about 5 or 6 miles before stopping to inspect the truck. The front was badly smashed and the driver knew it was going to require some extensive repairs. Even with closer inspection, he could not find any trace of hair or blood. Further description of the creature included that it had no neck, had a rounded head, and that it was human-like, not like an ape's head. The arms appeared to be very long with the hands reaching nearly to it's knees. When he got to his destination, his story was not well received. His supervisor demanded to know what he had been drinking.

In April, 1973, Don Stratten was driving about 12 miles east of Estacada, Oregon at around 6 pm. Suddenly an object came sailing out the woods and landed in the road in front of his truck. He stopped and got out to see what it was. It appeared to be a chunk of wood from a rotted stump. About 25 ft beyond the road, Stratton could see a creature with brown hair tipped with silver. It seemed to be digging at the bottom of a rotted stump and had apparently lobbed a piece of it away where it ended up on the road.

When the creature stood up, Stratton could see it was about 5 ft tall, with broad shoulders, and had no neck. It also had muscular bronzed skin on it's throat and chest, which were hairless. The rest of it's body, arms, and legs were thickly covered with hair. There was a branch that hung in front of it's head so that Stratton was unable to view it's face. Only the mouth was revealed. There were teeth, but not fangs. The lower part of the face was flat. Before he could get closer for a better view, the creature stepped sideways into the trees and was gone.


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."

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