
Monday, June 25, 2018

OHIO ENCOUNTER - January 2018 - BFRO 59078

Footprints, screams, howls, and disturbed dogs are all part of this man's experiences with sasquatch in Belmont County, near St.Clairsville, Ohio.

On January 20, 2018, a man taking his dog out for a walk noticed some tracks in the snow headed towards his neighbor's house. These tracks were in addition to the usual deer tracks and he examined them more closely.

The tracks were deep; 5 or 6 inches of snow was on the ground. There were two different sets, one larger set, and the other slightly smaller. They resembled footprints, more than boot or shoe prints. He felt fairly certain that these were tracks from sasquatch. He could see  what looked like three toes. Pictures were taken with his cellphone.
photo courtesy of BFRO and the witness

He took his son, visiting from out of state, out to look at the tracks. This time, due to melting of the snow, they were able to make out five toes. His son agreed with the witness, the tracks were not made by humans, deer or bear. As you can see from the above photograph, the prints lined up one in front of the other and it was obvious there were two separate creatures walking through the field, close to each other. The son wore a size 17 shoe. The prints appeared larger than the shoe.

photo courtesy of BFRO and the witness

photo courtesy of BFRO and the witness

The two  traced the prints back to the woods. There were at least 300 yards of prints. The son went into the woods the next day where the prints had emerged. He found a couple of tracks in a muddy spot that appeared similar to the ones in the snow. The witness revealed that the previous night, the dog had woke him at 4:30 am with growling at the window. It never barked, just growled for 45 minutes. That night, at 8 pm, they tried knocks, but got no response.

tracks in the mud.
photo courtesy of BFRO and the witness.

On February 13 the witness again found tracks within 20 yards of January's tracks.  Again there were two sets of prints in the 7 inches of snow. These also had toes visible in them. These tracks went within 20 yards of his fence and then circled back. The witness admitted that he and his wife put apples and other food items out for the deer.

The witness also gave some background history to these experiences.

Mid-September of 2017, the witness took his indoor dog outside around 1 am. While they were out there, they were startled by a loud, blood curdling scream, like a woman. One of his dogs, upon hearing the scream, ran to the door, wanting to get inside.

A day later, his wife told him a similar story. She had taken the dog out around 1:30 am and heard a most "god-awful" scream. It scared her so badly that once back inside and in bed, she could not sleep. The witness told her that he had the same thing happen to him the night before.

In mid-October they were sitting in their backyard with some friends. The witness said there was a faint howl heard over the music playing. He then asked if they believed in bigfoot. His friend said he thought they might exist. The witness then proceeded to give three knocks, Within 30 seconds they were able to hear two and a half howls in response. There were two complete howls and a third that seemed to cut off half way through. Over the next 45 minutes there was an additional three howls.  Said his friend :

"That was not human."

looking into the woods where the tracks came from
photo courtesty of BFRO

view from the woods where the tracks came from looking
towards the field
Photo courtesy of BFRO

270 degree view of the field from the tree line where the tracks came from.
Photo courtesy of BFRO


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."

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