
Monday, June 11, 2018


Rob Roy bigfoot

Law enforcement officers see many strange things throughout their careers. One thing many hesitate to report to their superiors is anything paranormal, including seeing a sasquatch. So when these two deputy sheriff's stepped forward and told their stories to John Green, he paid attention.

Although this sighting happened as a teenager, this deputy sheriff never changed his story even years later when Green interviewed him.

The encounter took place in mid-September, 1966. He was on Fisk Road a few miles east of Yakima, Washington. It was late at night, around 11 pm and he was on his way back home after taking a friend home.

"I was on my way home and I came round the corner and it was raining that night, and lightning flashing and everything, and this thing was standing in the middle of the road. I slammed on the brakes and my car skidded right up to it and stopped about three feet from it. It just stood there and looked at me right through the windshield of the car."

When he had slammed on the brakes, the engine stopped. The "thing" walked around behind his car and then turned around and walked up to the side of the car and looked in the window at him. He finally got the car started and drove off.

He described it as being a little over 7 ft tall and had long hair all over. It looked like "a  big man", heavy, "awfully broad" and "kind of a light greyish white color". The witness also described the face. "He had a real flat nose and his lips were real thin. He had hair on his face, too, there wasn't any skin other than his lips and just around his eyes that I could see. I couldn't see any ears. He had long hair on him, all over his chest and everything."

When asked about it's eyes, he responded, "Just eyes . . .  I was so busy trying to get my car going I wasn't concentrating on staring him in the eye." He did add that the mouth was a little open and that he could see it's teeth. Although the eye teeth protruded a little more than the others, they were not fangs. He described the face as having a low forehead and a big, square jaw. The nose was flat and wide, like a human nose only "squashed".

Finally the car started and he drove off leaving it standing in the middle of the road.

bigfoot crossing road -

Verlin Herrington, a summer deputy with the sheriff's department, never intended for his encounter to become public. Unfortunately, he was overheard discussing it with another deputy and the story spread. Herrington made a report on it and after thinking it over, the Sheriff became concerned that a "horde of monster hunters" might invade "his" county. So he issued a statement saying that Herrington had changed his mind and had decided that he had seen a bear. And then the deputy was ordered not to talk to reporters.

The encounter took place  July 26, 1969 near Hoquiam in Gray's Harbor County, Washington at 2:35 a.m. Herrington was on his way back home. Driving down Deekay Road, he rounded a corner and saw something in the road. His first impression was that a large bear was standing in the middle of the road. There was no way to drive around it, so he stopped his car.  He allowed the vehicle to coast along a little further, trying not to startle what ever it was. As he approached closer he realized :

"This animal . . .  was not a bear, because you could see by the way it was standing that it had no snout. It had a face on it. Its eyes reflected, and when I came to a complete stop I could see in the headlights of my car that it had feet on it instead of paws, and it had breasts. When I centered my spotlight on the patrolcar on it, it walked to the edge of the road. It didn't fall down on all fours like a bear would. It walked to the edge of the roadway and stopped, turned, still looking at me. I re-adjusted the spotlight on my car so I could look at it better. Its feet had hair down to the soles but you could see the outline of the foot. It did have toes. Its hand was in a position where it was spread out, and it did have fingers."

As he got out of the car, it disappeared down a steep slope into the brush, always on two feet, never dropping down to all fours. Herrington got back in his car and drove off.

Under questioning, Herrington added the following details. He was around 75 to 80 ft away from the figure while he watched it walk off the road.  He didn't believe there was any hair on the face, just a "dark leathery look". The hair seemed to be longer on the head than the body. The breasts were located in the same place as a human's and were covered in hair, except for the nipples. The hair seemed to be brownish black, dark colored. He could see no neck. The legs were described as being long and muscular.

Two reports from Washington State, by men trained to observe and remember details. Both close encounters.

I have paraphrased and updated John Green's deductions. But there are still three basic statements.  We have these three choices on what to believe here.

1) Both men are liars.
2) That there were people who thought it a good thing to put on costumes and stand in the middle of the highway waiting for a car to come along and not hit them.
3) Accept that there is something around that has not yet been formally identified as real.

I know what I think.


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."

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