
Thursday, September 12, 2019


"Down through the ages, certain people have displayed telepathic abilities; for them, 'reading minds' is as natural as breathing." -- Christopher Noel.

Noel continues : "But only recently has science begun to catch up, seeking a framework within which to comprehend and measure this phenomenon. By the same token, those who have interacted with Sasquatch have commonly reported an intimate mental contact." 

Nancy : ESP, mental telepathy, remote viewing : these and other psychic abilities have long been discussed, explored, and even accepted by many people around the world. But the second someone tries to talk about this in connection with sasquatch, the hands are up, the heads shake no, and they back away quickly as if the speaker has the bubonic plague.

Why? If we as humans exhibit this capability, why not sasquatch?

They can and do.

There is a strong ability there. Many of you have experienced it without realizing it. 

The sudden urge to turn around and leave? Changing your mind about which path or direction to go? Lost time in the forest? Zapping?

Oh yeah, this is the moment I tell you that sasquatch cannot "zap" you. What gives you that feeling is a combination of things. Adrenalin, fear, and the inability to cope with the psychic hit of the sasquatch speaking with you. And that doesn't mean you're any less macho or capable of being out there researching. It just means something unusual has happened to you.

I have to admit that  it seemed kind of improbable at first to me. Until I started to define it. And realized that it is possible.

I mean, just what is "mindspeak". It's a "mysterious" word, mystic, assigned to something we are familiar with : Mental telepathy. ESP. Talking without using words. It's not something new and terrible. It's not something so unusual that we should fear it. It's not something that is that unbelievable. 

Our government has experimented with it. Russia. China. We know of psychics, some charlatans, of course; but there are those who more than proved their capabilities.

So, if you can believe in some humans being able to use ESP - telepathy  - then why is it so hard to believe that sasquatch and bigfoot are capable of it?

Let's look at it this way. If you are able to accept something like ESP, then why does it have to get 'freaky' and 'impossible' when mentioned with sasquatch. And for that matter, if you can believe in sasquatch or bigfoot, then what stops you at ESP? There are more people on earth who accept the psychic sciences than those who believe in a hair-covered giant being real.

Ok. Another way to look at it. You go out hunting. Your hound dog seems to know just what you're going to do, which direction you're going, etc. Is he just really smart ? Or could he be tuned into your mind, however tenuous the thread. How many times have you said, "Sometimes I think he can read my mind." Maybe he is. 

One job I worked had me coming home at all kinds of hours. Never the same time two days in a row, or even the same time on the same day of the week. But my cat would go sit in the window about 5 minutes before I would come pulling up the driveway and be waiting for me. Just around the time I would be thinking "Home stretch. Just a couple more miles and I'm home." All variables there. No pattern. Could my cat have been reading my mind?

So, if animals are capable, and people are capable, then no matter if you believe sasquatch is a people or an animal, why cannot a sasquatch 'mindspeak'?

Leo : For the first 20 yrs after my first sighting I was hell bent that this did not happen. I was sure after seeing 5 that if they could do it, they would have done it already. They were fine with me seeing them and their young so if they could do this mindspeak thing why have they never done it to me?

In the spring of 2017 I had gone in to Area One, gifted, took some pics of tracks, structures and such and was on my way out around mid-morning. For no known reason to me at the time, I stopped, turned around and said "Yeah, I'll be back in a couple days", turned back around, took a few steps and started laughing like a fool.

Roughly 20 ft or so from where I answered the question.

I stood there on the path thinking what the hell am I doing? who am I talking to? I had just answered a question that I have no memory to this day of being asked. I got home, called Nancy and said I am done.  I don't think what I'm dealing with in the woods are Sasquatch. I fell ass backward down the rabbit hole and wanted none of it. I believed some of my close friends when they said they experienced mindspeak but always cautioned them to be very careful in playing with things like that because you don't know who or what you are responding to. Like it or not, there are things out there that you do not want to communicate with. I was actually very angry and it took a lot of discussion with Nancy before I would even consider going back in there. I was also quite ill for the following 3 days or so. 

: Let's talk about your experience a little more. It was quite a conversation that we had. I know I remember wanting to know what was making you so angry about the experience.

Leo : I was just not ok with it. I'm not into this type of stuff and I'm not doing it. I didn't know what it was that I was talking to and that it made me angry to be pulled into something like that. We had a pattern going, things were going great. And then that happened. As much as I was ready to learn, I just wasn't ready for something like that. I would go in and gift, they would gift back with structures and sculptures. These were good things happening and then that happened. It changed everything -- but in the end, not in a bad way.

Nancy : People do talk about feeling sick and just not quite right after such an experience. Obviously, this affected you in such a way. You said you were sick for three days.

Leo : What can I say to compare it to? To say like the flu just doesn't say it. A vicious pounding headache that slowly eased off. Feeling nauseous. You are left with a weak, exhausted feeling, like after you get into a fight and when it's over you find yourself shaking. It's not fear of the fight, but the aftermath of the adrenaline rush. I stayed weak and shaky for three days as it slowly tapered off.

Nancy : This wasn't your only time of experiencing it. 

Leo : No. The second time as I remember was several months later when I was asleep and I kept hearing Wacchah [Karl] saying "Oh-Shah. Oh-Shah. Oh-Shah" over and over again. This went on for several nights. I finally started asking around if that phrase meant anything to anyone. It was driving me nuts.

Nancy : Yes, I remember that. I was trying to help out with my contacts also.

Leo : The dreams finally stopped and I was left with no understanding of what the word meant. Until the following spring when I finally met Oh-Shah [Fidget].

Nancy : I think that the aftereffects of mindspeak may vary with how it is received by the researcher and how much they are accustomed to the "paranormal". Would you have felt that you were aware of any psychic capabilites that you possessed at that time?

Leo : The exposure I had to the paranormal was not "para". It was routine for me while growing up. People walking up and down the stairs [who were not there], seeing ghosts. That was the only experiences I had but it was normal. Nothing unusual.  I realize now that the very first time I really experienced mindspeak was my first sighting on the mountain. I heard a voice, not my own, say "It's time to go" and the sasquatch and I both turned at the same time and walked away. But all I knew back then was that it wasn't my normal "thinking voice".  I had figured the 'thought' felt different because the situation was different. I realize now what it was. It was him. And I was a wreck after that experience too. 

Nancy : Do you think denial of mindspeak had anything to do with your physical reaction? People say they got "zapped" and feel it has an evil intent. I feel some of the reaction is the energies that come through.

Leo : Part of my reaction was from my hatred of the topic. I felt it was evil. If it's not in front of you moving it's lips, it can't be talking to you. I hated it even when a trusted friend told me that they were experiencing mindspeak. I kept telling them to be careful because they didn't know what they were talking with.

Nancy : And that denial could have resulted in physical reaction to your trying to stop the psychic energy associated with ESP, with mindspeak. It would have made you physically ill.

Leo : Absolutely. But once that comes down, it how can I put that , once that wall that's over your third eye, it starts to get a little bit easier -- slowly. 

Nancy : Until it becomes natural. My first experience was not as extreme as yours. I ended up with a pounding headache for the rest of the day. The energy that came with the talk was just so powerful. But within a few times, adjustments were made and things then flowed.

Leo : And that is how it works. Sasquatch people will not mess with your free will. If you need them to pull back and reduce the "volume", the strength, they will. If you do not want "mindspeak" and tell them you don't accept it, they will not force it upon you. They give you free will. When my uncle died and with the stress of that and the stress of other personal things, I told them that I could not deal with the impact of mindspeak. They stopped. And will not do it again until I say I am ready.

Nancy : And because of my association with you in this, our partnership, they have not approached me either. 

Leo : I want to make it clear that we are talking sasquatch people and not bigfoot. Freewill means nothing to bigfoot. They will do whatever they wish around you and to you concerning mindspeak.

Nancy : While we were talking about this the other day, you made a comment that not all bigfoot have the capability of mindspeak. 

Leo : No, I don't believe they do. The ones that are more animalistic don't seem to do it. They use physical means to intimidate you, to scare you away. And I don't mean that they are physically attacking you, harming you, kidnapping or 
eating you.

One of many other forms of "Bigfoot"

Sasquatch person.

[Note from Leo concerning above illustrations : These are a huge generalization of what bigfoot and sasquatch people look like because of the fact that some bigfoot look very similar. It's just that they tend to have more of the gorilla monster look.]

Nancy : So would this mean that bigfoot can't mindspeak with each other? Does that include sasquatch people? 

Leo : Some bigfoot types can mindspeak, some can't. Not even between themselves. That is where you get some of the vocals that people hear. Sasquatch people can and do vocalize but they don't have to.

Nancy : It still puzzles me on why so many are so against the idea of this form of communication. It can explain so much of what happens out there in the field. Believing in mindspeak, in ESP, does not make you crazy. It does not invalidate your research, your theories, your discoveries. Not having experienced it does not make it false. It just means you have more to discover. Keeping an open mind is important in research. Discarding facts that you don't like, or that you can't fit into your working theory is not true research. It is a closed mind trying to prove something that just might be false.

Leo : I think there are two reasons for it. People don't want to be wrong. And from fear. The idea that there is something out there that may be more intelligent than us and capable of things that we can't do scares them -- it's just easier to try to shut it down as fast as possible. It's easier for them to do that than to try to deal with it. I totally understand why people do that. They have their own little box they keep their belief in. They look like an animal and they want them kept there.  They don't want them out of that box. It has to be insanity, delusional thinking that they are anything more. If they were an animal there would be several of them in a zoo somewhere. They are not animals. They've been trying this tracking thing since Patterson and they have gained no ground for over 50 years. But they keep repeating this over and over again. They are missing a piece of the puzzle. They will keep repeating the pattern over and over again. And never gain anything. Another thing that really bothers me are the researchers who use Native lore and legends to support their beliefs in bigfoot.  You can't take part of the story and leave the rest because it doesn't fit. They choose to take the part of the story they want and leave out the mindspeak part of the lore. They can't have that. They only want to quote part of the story, part of the lore and pretend the other part isn't there.

Leo and Nancy  : These are facts to us. It's what we've experienced. We're not trying to dismiss anyone else's experiences. We don't expect you to believe what we believe. We try to allow you to have your own beliefs based on your research and experiences. We would like you to treat us the same. Both sides are guilty of attacking each other over their theories and beliefs and experiences. We need to stop. Respect and accept. Keep an open mind and learn from each other.

Nancy and Leo

"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."

Some videos you might find interesting.

Mountain Beast Mysteries
Bigfoot and telepathy/The Mindspeak Phenomenon/ Ep. 102

Les Stroud experiences mindspeak

Anglosasquatch / First mindspeak with the sasquatch people