
Saturday, June 15, 2019


While growing up, one of the stories told was of a little boy who cried "wolf". It comes from Aesop's Fables.   Here's the story :

The Boy Who Cried Wolf.

There once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the hillside watching the village sheep. To amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, "Wolf! Wolf! The Wolf is chasing the sheep!"

The villagers came running up the hill to help the boy drive the wolf away. But when they arrived at the top of the hill, they found no wolf. The boy laughed at the sight of their angry faces.

"Don't cry 'wolf', shepherd boy," said the villagers, "when there's no wolf!" They went grumbling back down the hill.

Later, the boy sang out again, "Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is chasing the sheep!" To his naughty delight, he watched the villagers run up the hill to help him drive the wolf away.

When the villagers saw no wolf they sternly said, "Save your frightened song for when there is really something wrong! Don't cry 'wolf' when there is NO wolf!"

But the boy just grinned and watched them go grumbling down the hill once more.

Later, he saw a REAL wolf prowling about his flock. Alarmed, he leaped to his feet and sang out as loudly as he could, "Wolf! Wolf!"

But the villagers thought he was trying to fool them again, and so they didn't come. At sunset, everyone wondered why the shepherd boy hadn't returned to the village with their sheep. They went up the hill to find the boy. They found him weeping. 

"There really was a wolf here! The flock has scattered! I cried out, 'Wolf!' Why didn't you come?"

An old man tried to comfort the boy as they walked back to the village.

"We'll help you look for the lost sheep in the morning," he said, putting his arm around the youth. "Nobody believes a liar . . .  even when he is telling the truth!"

For those of you who stayed with me this far, you are probably thinking, what does this have to do with anything? Let me tell you.

The fable had one point to make. If you lie and are found out to be lying, no one will believe you when [or if] you do tell the truth.

This is a cautionary tale for those who are so wrapped up in cryptids and carving themselves a niche in the community that they will go to any lengths to get there. 

Any lengths.

Fabricating "evidence".

Kissing butt. 

Joining the "floating head" society where anything and everything is a cryptid in bushes. And trees. And backyards. And sky.

Being part of the Shadow Brigade. [There's a shadow in the trees and bushes so there is a cryptid in there. Oh, sorry. You can't see them because you're not gifted or haven't devoted months to years being trained to see them.]

The insanity is . . . . .  well, insane.

Legitimate researchers, published authors, filmmakers, established bloggers and website founders, honest skeptics are all being insulted and belittled. This new wave has no history of cryptids, has no idea of what has gone before. They think they are new; that they have the inside edge. 

No, you don't. 

For those of you faking it, imagining it, inventing it : I wish you success in your research. Read up on it. Watch ALL the videos and documentaries out there. The fake with the real with the imagined and the concocted. Read every book you can get your hands on. Buy them, borrow them. If your local library doesn't own much, see if they will order you books to borrow from another library -- just give them the titles. There are places on the internet where you can digitally read books and articles -- for free. 

Go out and learn something.

And for Pete's sake, stop posting the 'Hope it is" photos. It just gets too sad. 

And, except for the group you are a member of, you are LAUGHED at. And ridiculed. Much more than those who have had a legitimate encounter or experience. Or who believe that there really are cryptids out there.

Unless you honestly don't care. Or if you're part of a "plot" to discredit paranormal and cryptid research. 

But that conspiracy theory would be a whole new post.


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."

"Nobody believes a liar . . . even when he is telling the truth!"

Thanks to for the fable from Aesop.

Friday, June 7, 2019


We hear [and read] the term "Troll" almost everyday in our Facebook/Bigfoot groups. But what exactly is a "Troll"?

Administrators in the group differ as to what they consider a Troll. Some consider you a troll if you seem to be there to bait other members, to disrupt the group.

Others decide you are a Troll if you disagree with their "pet" theories and versions of bigfoot. 

Or if you want to post photos in which you see a bigfoot but they don't think it's a real photo. [or video].

Or if you look at their photos and say you see only shadows and leaves.

In one group, I made the following statement :

"Yes, there is 'evidence' out there if one looks. But not everything that we see is bigfoot. Not every shadow under the trees, not every sound in the woods and field, not every arch, not every broken tree, not every depression in the ground is made by bigfoot. There are some who have the 'fever' and in their striving to 'belong' to something, they find bigfoot everywhere. They are not in everyone's back yard. They are not in every wooded area. While you're putting your 'boots on the ground', make sure your feet are in them."

Right or wrong, it is my opinion. And there are groups out there that would have kicked me out on my butt for stating this. 

I went on to say in reply to some people :

"I can't really laugh about this topic . . .  [I have seen] too many groups where everyone has a clan of 30 or 40 bigfoot in their backyard, they feed them s'mores and peanut butter and they play with their children in the evening in the yard. Every photo has 4 to a dozen 'hiding' [shadows and leaves, shadows and leaves]. Real researchers don't find evidence or see a bigfoot every where they go and every time they go out. It's hard work. It wears you down. The failures to find anything take the heart and soul out of you. When you find a place where there really are sasquatch, you hug it to your chest. You share little, you learn much. You keep as much of it secret as you can. Because of self-proclaimed experts who call you out on it. But mostly, just to keep others out and the area safe."

And there would go my butt out of another half dozen groups. Because I am not "trained" to see the bigfoot in the photos and videos.

I have also been called a troll because I tend to produce the story behind the photo someone may share, calling it the best photo they have ever seen!.[insert, photoshopped from the internet].

So, to some peeps in the community, I am a troll, a spoilsport, an armchair critic. LOL.

Anyhow, what is a "Troll"?

It's defined on the internet as :

"a mythical, cave-dwelling being depicted in folklore as either a giant or a dwarf, typically having a very ugly appearance."

Well, outside of some probably thinking that the online trolls have an 'ugly appearance', that one doesn't serve our purpose.

Ah, here's another definition :

"a person who makes a deliberately offensive or provocative online post. "
"a deliberately offensive or provocative online post."

This seems more to the point. So, perhaps by some people's standards, I could be a troll in that group. They may find my opinions "offensive" or "provocative".

But let's look at another definition.

"Make a deliberately offensive or provocative online post with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them."

"...deliberately. . . with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them."

So, not a troll. 

Because that is not my intentions when I post or comment. 

When trying to share your own opinion in a calm and rational manner, without insult or belittling comments, without name-calling, without being condescending, you are not a troll.

However, I understand administrators who feel that they have to maintain control of their groups and what they have set it up to be. It is their right as administrators. It may not always seem fair, but it is what it is. Their group. Their rules. Being an administrator, I understand that perfectly well. It's not fun, it's never-ending. But it is necessary if you don't want the group to turn into chaos.

So, what makes a troll? 

Obviously, the behavior. The words selected and how they are used. The attitude. What appears to be the intent.

Trolls can be those who deliberately bend or break the group rules. They are the ones who make nasty comments to other members and their experiences. They are the ones who call out other members and the administrators publicly and continue to bash everyone. They are the ones who bully other members making them leave the group. They will start a highly controversial subject and once members are fighting and arguing among themselves, backs out of the conversation and enjoys watching the fur fly. They are the ones who yell "Fake" and "Hoax" at everything and demand proof, proof, proof. They are the disruptors, the foul mouthed, the name-callers, the bullies, the troublemakers, the questioners of the rules, the demanding questioner of "Why?" They are the ones who attack other members through personal messages.

BUT, they are not the ones who disagree with other members, who disagree with statements made. They are not the ones who become exasperated with the 14th posted photo that day of blurry bushes, trees, shadows and leaves.  They are not the ones who state that they are highly suspicious of those who claim to have a "clan" of 30 bigfoot in the woods behind their house. And that the bigfoot children come out to play in the backyard. They are just people trying to come to terms with things that are not true in their own experiences. Just because someone thinks it highly unlikely that what another member is claiming, doesn't make them a troll. 

It's all complicated. And it's a road that each administrator finds their way down. It becomes a matter of opinion and definition. The best thing is to just quietly remove them from the group. No fanfare. No parties. No fireworks. 

Remove the offending remarks. And just state quietly that the disruption is now gone and apologize for those who were offended or affected. That's it. Quiet. Dignified. Problem solved. Continue as usual.

Thanks for taking the time to read my rambling thoughts.


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."