Saturday, July 24, 2021


 It is with some sadness that this announces the last post from Sasquatch Observations blogsite. But it's not really a good-bye.

A great invitation and opportunity was extended to me from Tom Marcum and The Crypto Crew. I am very proud to have joined that crew of dedicated researchers. 

It is an exciting new chapter in my research. While this blog wrote mainly on cryptids with an emphasis on sasquatch and bigfoot, I will be able to share more of my research into all things paranormal. 

The link to this blog page is


You can also like and follow the group page at


You can join the sister group :

Please follow the instructions for joining these groups, like answering the questions. I will be very happy to see you in either or both groups.

And I will continue to share both my posts and other members' posts to the Twitter account. That will not be closing.

So, not good-bye. No farewell. It's just the next step in this great adventure.


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."

Thursday, May 20, 2021



So I write a post and suggest that people in the community are comparing everything presented as evidence to the iconic Patty. And now I hate Patty. 


I have to consider that most of you whaling away at me with your comments did not even read the post. At least, not past the first few words of the title. 

No where did I ever state that I thought the Patterson Film was a hoax, or bunk. 

It was even suggested that I watch the film and breakdowns, etc. 

News flash, people. I have. Many of them. Some of them many times over. 

I have to say, I don't like Patty. 

Start breathing again, People.

I don't like her. I LOVE her. 

She is beautiful. She is regal. She is iconic. 

But she is just one example of the many, many sasquatch/bigfoot/Forest People out there. Just one. 

There are many variations. 

THAT WAS THE POINT I WAS TRYING TO MAKE. And to STOP throwing out possible evidence just because someone's description or photo or video doesn't look like Patty.

That film was an historic step in the research in this field. But it was just one step. If all we do is cling desperately to that one film and throw out everything else, we not only do a disservice to ourselves and to other researchers and to the field of study, but we do a disservice to her and to all the other sasquatch/bigfoot/Forest People out there. And we severely limit ourselves to what we can or should accomplish. We will continue to box ourselves in and never take forward steps.

And have a little [at least] respect for me. If I haven't researched it, I don't write about it. I don't go taking other's work and just regurgitate it onto the page. If I did that, you'd have a post twice or three times a day. I take some pride in what I do. I don't mind creating talk, even controversy. But if you are going to comment on my work, at least read it completely through first. Then we can talk.

Thanks much.


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you." 

Thursday, April 15, 2021

In the cryptid field [community], most "experts" or "professionals" are self-proclaimed. Some become labeled "expert" or "professional" by others because they have done a great deal of research into the topic. This doesn't necessarily make someone an expert.

People have different levels of belief systems. Some will come together and decide a person has the "right stuff" and will spread the "expert" title around the community. And many will jump on that bandwagon without really doing any checking. Suddenly that person has become an "expert" and the "go-to-guy".

And we will always have those who announce their expertise and their right to be "The One". And again, without checking into how or why, people will blindly follow that "leader", and stop doing their own research or using their own methods.

Don't get me wrong.  You can accept the findings that those people present. But AS BASED UPON THEIR INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH.

It doesn't mean that they know everything on the topic. 


If we have a closed mind, we will only ever find evidence in support of our own theory [theories] 

With an open mind we can continue to learn and to explore all avenues.

That is why some of the most honest people in this community will tell you " "In my opinion [IMO]" or "My research has led me to believe . . .".


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."

Sunday, June 21, 2020


There was  a possible sighting of a large group of bigfoot swimming across the Ohio River a few years ago [possibly around 2017]. 

There appears to be little known, with no "official" public report having been filed that is accessible.  Here is what I have discovered so far.

Cryptid researcher, Jack Quinn has related the story he was told.

An older couple out fishing in either late fall or early winter observed a group of around 15 bigfoot swimming across the Ohio River. The bigfoot crossed from West Virginia and came ashore in the Darwin, Ohio area. It was further reported that the bigfoot then followed the old Peabody Coal belt line path to the plains where they eventually split into three groups.  Additional information was supplied by a park ranger at a later date.

Jack also said that while he was staying with friends in the area that they saw a police car going to another cabin down the hill.  This man reported to the police that he had his dog disappear off his chain and collar and all that he saw was a black mass going into the woods. The ranger stated that he had seen a blacked out SUV with government plates in the area. The individual was reported to have walked around the area and then left. When the ranger was asked if he thought the activity was from a bigfoot,  he said that the "individuals" weren't "playing by the rules" and were taking pets and livestock, which is how they were being "tracked". The question of was it a bigfoot was never directly answered.

The involved area is filled with powerlines and creeks which are often paths used by bigfoot while traveling from one area to another.

This location is also in the same area as Salt Fork State Park which has had its share of reports of encounters and experiences.

Since there is no official record or report made, it is hard to say what is happening in this area. 

In the past few months, there have been some hoaxes widely publicized as "real sightings". And I have heard some tall tales from the area of alleged bigfoot activity and some dubious photos from the Salt Fork State Park area. Oftentimes where real events are happening, all kinds of misleading information crops up.

I don't know if that is what is happening here or not.

It would be interesting if anyone has more information on this series of events. If anyone does, they can contact me through "comments" on this post. Whatever you say does not have to be made public, unless you wish it. Your identity can be withheld from public view, but I would need to know exactly who you are before dealing with your information.


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."

Thursday, March 19, 2020


I realize, obviously, that I haven't been posting much on the blog for the past couple of months. And I apologize for that.

Perhaps no real excuses, but I will say that there have been a few major and minor changes to my life, my research, and what I focus on. But I have not been idly sitting around, twiddling my thumbs.

There were outside influences on my research and it was time to sit back and decide what paths I wanted to take. I dislike being a "de-bunker". I much prefer to give you the story and all I can find out about it and let you decide. However, when things have progressed to a certain point, I will come out and voice my opinion loud and clear. I don't like people who deliberately mislead others for fun or profit.

Also related to my research is my research partner. It has been decided that whatever is discovered privately will no longer be shared publicly. While we are sorry for that, circumstances have developed that shaped that decision. So the posts written about that research have been removed from this blog and Leo is no longer a co-writer on the blog.

Last December events converged to cause a major influx of member requests and applications to the group that Leo and I were co-owning. As Leo had decided to step down from an active role, I and the rest of the Administrative staff worked on defining how the group was going to progress, if at all. 

We decided that our members deserved to have the group continue. It's a good group, now over 8000 strong. I am proud of the members of that group and the standards they insist on for the group. I love their enthusiasm and their contributions whether it be opinion, experiences, questions or sharing the news of the day in relation to cryptids. 

As for membership requests, I worked on handling over 100 requests a day. Looking at each profile, reading the answers to the questions asked, takes a great deal of time. Many were denied. Many more have become members. Some have left. But most have remained. Our membership tripled since December. 

While I have been busy with all that and other personal issues, I have not abandoned researching for this blog. 

I am working on researching and writing posts regarding Mexican bigfoot, canine cryptids, Native legends on sasquatch and other creatures, large cat cryptids, and much more.

Thank you for all my followers and readers. Thank you for staying the course and being patient. And welcome to my new readers. Patience is a virtue. [LOL] There will be more and hopefully very soon.


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you." 

Wednesday, December 18, 2019


There are several things that are sure to crop up in your average bigfoot group. Most by new-comers, but some by old-timers, too. One of them is the "ghillie-suited bigfoot."

There are a couple of different photos that make the scene. They are labeled as trail cam photos. Some people state it's their trail cam they put up to monitor deer population or some such story. Others will tell you it's a good friend who was curious what it was that showed up in the photo. And yet some will say that they found this on the internet and what do we all think?

I think most of us know that it is a person in a ghillie suit. A "ghillie-suited bigfoot".

The photo is often at an angle; it is out of focus; it is usually a back view, but sometimes will throw us a side cut. 

But it's not a bigfoot.

Why would someone do this? Get 'caught' on a game cam in a ghillie suit?

Several reasons come to mind.

The most shouted out is : HOAXER!

This can be two-fold. Either the owner of the cam is hatching a hoax. Or someone pretending to be a bigfoot is making fun of the trial cam owner.

Reason? Well, not too many Hoax-callers care about a reason. They may say it's for money. But no one really makes money on these photos. Others say "fame". Possibly. The photos do sometimes go a little viral. But a lot of the time, it has been claimed by so many different people with so many different stories, it is hard to know the origin of the photo.

The third reason to hoax a photo like this is for the laughs. It tickles the person who took the photo no end when the pic and all those story lines are being shared all over Facebook and the internet. I think the icing on the cake comes when it either makes a meme or gets downloaded to Pinterest. The gold ring, so to speak.

But are there other reasons for someone to be out in the woods in a ghillie suit? 

Of course there are.

I'm sure hunters get captured on someone's trail cam all the time. While it's probably safer if they wore the hunter orange, I'm certain there are many hunters who don't. And that some of those hunters who don't, dress in a ghillie suit to sit in their blind. They want to blend in. They want to look a part of nature. 

And I know bigfoot researchers who dress in ghillie suits. They do so to camouflage themselves, hoping to blend in so that they are not seen by the bigfoot for which they are looking. 

These researchers and hunters are not out there trying to hoax anyone or cause a stir. All they want is to make themselves blend in so they can better do what they went into the woods to do.

There are some who say that to "parade" in the woods in a ghillie suit is an invitation to being shot by those thinking they are seeing a bigfoot. And they call the men stupid and say they deserve to be shot. Shooting while assuming something is a legitimate target is always wrong. Horses and cows and dogs get shot because a hunter assumes it's a deer. I had a neighbor once who had to keep his horses and cows inside all during deer hunting season because he was tired of burying his animals. It was a rather large farm. But not all hunters care about fences or property lines.

And you can't assume that every person out there in a ghillie suit is trying to hoax someone.

Which, of course, makes them innocent participants to someone who wishes to exploit the photo.

So, person in a ghillie suit. Without knowing the purpose behind that person being in a ghillie suit we are just jumping to a conclusion for which we have no facts. Could be a hoaxer, or a hunter, or a naturalist, a stalker, a bigfoot researcher. It could even be the person who put the trail cam up who caught himself on it and innocently thought it would be fun to share the only "animal" he caught on camera that week.


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


"Went grouse hunting up seagulson and something tripped my dog out. She got so scared she hid in the truck. I think there must've been a bear right there in the picture I took"

This was posted by Carl Smith on the Darrington Reader Board on November 13, 2019.

It has many comments, some serious, some not so nice. And has over 100 shares. 

But there is a problem.

This photo was posted back on January 22, 2017 by Bigfoot Evidence via 

It came with a story told by David Pack  speaking for the witness, his 70 year old neighbor, Lee, who is said to live on a farm near the Smokey Mountains National Park in Tennessee. 

"It was around 10 p.m. and he thought it was the wind, so he looked out from the kitchen window of his brick rancher house out into the back yard and saw that the [sic] was no wind."  - Pack

Lee felt "someone or something" was watching him so he looked out the door to his porch and saw it.

" At first he thought it was a man, only to see the side and back of the creature as it turned and walked away down the porch and the sidewalk with its back to him. It never turned around, so he only go to see its back and side." - Pack

It had long black hair on its arms and body, with some brown mixed in.

Pack concluded with Lee was now in the process of getting a camera installed so he can get some photos and videos of it if it returns.

So, the photo is not Lee's either. And not of the creature in his back yard. The photo was not on Cryptozoology News post. So the photo appears to have been added by Bigfoot Evidence. They gave no credit information on this post on the photo.

Let's travel further back.

This particular photo is also associated with a post on back on April 28, 2013 for a post titled : New footage : Hiker films Tennessee Bigfoot?

This explanation was provided above the link to the video.

This footage was submitted to YouTube user, Legends Beware by a hiker who claims to have shot a video while bird watching near Tennessee/Georgia border on April 21, 2013. According to the witness the creature in the video is 9 ft tall. Is it Bigfoot or a really tall guy in a ghillie suit?"

The only appearance the photo makes is as the opening frame for the video. It does not appear to be a frame capture from the video.

So probably not the bird watcher's photo either. 

Legends Beware makes no copyright or other claim to the photo. 

I don't argue whether or not any of these witnesses had an encounter. Perhaps they did. What is wrong is the appropriation of this photo suggested as evidence of their encounter -- with the most recent [ab]user of the photo actually claiming it as his. 


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."


  It is with some sadness that this announces the last post from Sasquatch Observations blogsite. But it's not really a good-bye. A grea...